Major Update “Storm Warning” — DEV Server Changelog (10.12.2024)

<3 Briliant <3 Save the nukes!

This is so awesome! Long awaited!
I’m hoping for a way to zoom specific parts of the map as well. Since the introduction of gps guided munitions there is a need to be able to freely select bombing target on the map. in Air Sim this wont be possible since currently the zoom on the map ONLY zooms in on your own position (does not help with selecting bombing targets far away in preparation).

Turns out you sort of can with this update! :D
BUT! it still follows the movement of the plane when zoomed in elsewhere…


The HQ-17 should be a modification for the TOR-M1 like with the 2S6 having the 2S6M1 upgrade. It’s just making the grind harder for no real reason.


It says that literally any damage will cause a kick. Hit the nuke carrier with a stray MG shot and you’re out? What kind of mechanic is that?


The positioning of the EFA 2000 in the Italian tech tree makes little sense.

I feel like it should go after the Tornado ADV.
Rn the Tornado ADV line is basically dead and there is no incentive to grind it out.

I hope the devs will reconsider the Eurofighter positioning and put it after the Tornado ADV.

There are different vehicles that could go after the F-16ADF instead.


Come on, don’t kid me- how often do you just “happen to hit a nuke carrier with a stray MG shot”…?


Not the nuke carrier, but plenty of other planes… Maybe I’m just unlucky, but stuff like that can happen.

making every tech tree less unique with every update love to see it

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found the nuke tker


I won’t deny that I hate nukes ending the game early, but this is a legitimate concern.

Be glad Gaijin didn’t implement an auto-7-day-ban for nuke damage, which is what they should have done.


yeah 100% youve tk’d nukes
we need even more harsh punishments for teamkillers because the current ones arent working i got plenty of people posting on other places admitting to how they just tk for fun


I haven’t and I would post proof, if there was a way to do so.

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We were also told we’d see the TOR for the Soviets, that was 3 years ago as well, sometimes it’s best not to hold them to their word.


Yet you saying;

Shows me you are more negligent with your shots. This mechanic is being added because it has been a problem. You complaining about it doesn’t make sense if you were actually aware of this issue. I have to actively avoid my own teammates because of this problem.


So from when does dev server take ur progress from? Week before dev server or day before it opens? because last night I just got Japan air to rank 4 will that save on dev server?

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Why, WHY Rank II, it was the best TD Sniper for Daily tasks and generally for the middle BR range, why rank II replaced by the M44, which SCREAMS “Shoot half my crew with an MG”. ;-;
My Poor Sturer Emil, you killed him. ;-;


So Meteor? MICA-IR?

I never once accidentally hit a friendly nuke carrier, i got shot at by a lot of friendlies when i was in the nuke carrier.