Major Update “Storm Warning” — DEV Server Changelog (10.12.2024)

Very cool, wow, look at this!

I WILL grind this one and put it on my lineup!


@Stona_WT why is Gen 2 red aka removed?

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Thanks for another copy cat (ironically ofc)

this one’s funny tho and everyone’s getting theirs

  • F-15I Ra’am — AGM-65D and the corresponding modification has been added.
    i can’t find them in DEV sever

Like wow fuel tank… no floats… just yaaay

Lets give everyone unique vehicle X

Lets make 1 vehicle and ctrl v it to everyone ✔✔

everyone had it, so why withhold it?


Just means its not currently in this build, will likely come back later.

They are in the modification screen. I also couldn’t find them in the secondary weapon screen.

New additions
14:49 GMT

  • The max Battle Rating limit for all Air Battle modes has been increased to 14.0.
  • F-15E, F-15I Ra’am — Battle Ratings in all Air Battle modes has been increased to 14.0.
  • F-14B, AV-8B Plus (all variants), MiG-29G, Sea Harrier FA 2, Harrier GR.7, Mirage 4000 — these aircraft are no longer considered “top” in terms of vehicle research bonus. This is because they no longer meet the condition of “maximum Battle Rating among all modes is no more than 2 steps below the maximum BR of this tree” due to new vehicles with a Battle Rating of 14.0 being added to the trees of the corresponding nations.
  • Tor-M1 — the Battle Rating in all modes has been decreased from 11.7 to 11.0.

ADATS is stronger… surely


of course, faster missile, actual anti-tank capability, 25mm gun, thermals, and not the stupid vertical launch system


VLS is cool


Hopefully new Sim EC rotations will follow, decompressing a bit, especially also giving 12.3 some room to breathe… = )


I agree that it’s cool, but with VLS the missile can’t hit close targets and have a delayed acceleration after firing

14.0 is still too low. BR should be increased to at least 14.3 unless you want to make 13.0 aircrafts uplayable next patch


Are we ever going to see digital camouflage options for modern Chinese vehicles beyond the ZTZ99A?

Here’s the HQ-17.


Can the F4F KWS LV return to 13.3 now?

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Why is the scimitar modification change getting rolled back lmao

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