Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Thanks i should’ve guess that lol

Search Players

easy way to find when you originally registered to the game

also a good way to find out how many vehicle’s you have unlocked and spaded, and it also includes the medals you have collected.

I don’t think the Vehicles and rewards to 100% up to date i’m sure i have a few Chinese Medals, i will have to check when i get in from work, i’ll also check the vehicles i have, the chart states i have collected around 2,503, which seems right with 1161 of them spaded (46.38%)

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closed beta test

teaser today?

Give me my F-15C deblog. PLEASEEEE!

To be fair i associate it more with Cannon Barrel Torture for CBT


can’t they just announce that there gonna be a teaser today or tomorrow and what time, like damn

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Well, i lost most of mine :(

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Nah, they want us to hype ourselves.

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That’s weird

might sound dumb but how do you see your titles

Click on your profile picture(reply one) in the forum. Although it would show wrong ones

i was also closed beta, missed out on the closed Alpha :(

I’m envious of you old guard.

I wish I’d been in War Thunder’s closed alpha.


in the game (in the hanger) click on your profile and then below will be a title, click on that and it will open a list of unlocked / purchased Titles

I made my original PC account in 2012. But since my pc eventually died a while ago, I play on Xbox

todays normal stream was canceled


What did they mean by this?

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