That’s the thing, You can’t i’m already in your walls
dont we technically already have the sk105
German TT does already have the sk015 under a different name
You want an even more armoured version of the class 3p with a 120mm? I do believe your going mad with power.
germany most likely wont get that KF41 as again, they never adopted it and the nation that did is in game but other KF41 variants would be fine.
Im looking forward to the day the UK finally gets some of its modern IFVs like the Boxer CTA40 or the Ajax
dont worry they wont get is as SA is in the game now so it can only go to SA :3
England used to be Norman territory, so where’s the English subtree for France?
Took us what 2 or 3 years to get the new warrior. Gunna be a good decade before the Ajax :D
Probably the only time the Ajax could actually be usefull considering it wont have a crew to kill while going over rough terrain. Its actually baffling weve only had a single IFV for this long, that along with france only just starting to get some lol (I am looking forward to having the vextra in my 9.7 lineup).
germany should’ve gotten the first version of the eurofighter
English Kings use to rule much of France, French Sub-TT for England?
I would honestly prefer GDLS’s entry, the Griffin III, as it’s indigenous
I would sooner destroy our nation than hand it over to the french… En garde you swine.
the roman empire ruled most of the europe, everything should be under the italy tech tree
Is the UK planning on buying that one?
yeah probably but everyone else can get their modern IFVs (in russia case a literal TD)
I think we already have, though at the moment I think the intent is as a brimstone slinger
dont take it the wrong way but that model looks goofy as duck
I think your forgetting what the EF came from… the EAP…