Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I thought it was 10.0. But I didnt really pay that much attention, so could be wrong. Either way. Its basically always gunna be run 10.3+ I think

Cv9035 is getting IRST tracking once it comes out, probably spall liners too, good mobility, 35 mm probably getting apfsds too, with airburst self programmable ammo, still idk why is it higher Price

is it? so the dutch did get the necesary chip?

btw, did someone compare research and silver lion modifiers of the 2 vehicles yet?

I mean why would it get programmable ammo just to it not be able to self program with IRST

i mean, the gepard can shoot AHEAD as well but cant programm them either

Eh true, fair enough

I might be in the minority, but I kind of don’t mind the changes to tunisia. I don’t think it’s necessarily a completely bad change, of course it’s by no means a perfect map change.

People like to talk like the big B hill added a lot of variety and skill to the game, but it was mostly just another spawnsnipe hill.


AHEAD don’t use tracers by default, altough they can they normally don’t

the thing is that hill provided cover between a and c, now without it you can see even more of each spawn. its just making spawn camping worse and not better. they also removed some of the features that stopped spawn camping so its EVEN more open. plus now without that hill B is not a lone objective but can be sniped on just as bad as A (which was the only cap that actually needed looking at. its overall just worse, it shows that they dont know what makes a good map a good map and just change whatever they think can be used to get flanks going.

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oh did he mean tracers? i thought he just meaned the explosion lol

Are there any new vehicles in the Dev server that havent been showcased?

I’m iffy about the change.

It’ll either:

A.) make the spawn-to-spawn sniping worse on that map
B.) somehow make it so it’s better and you can now leave spawn

Basically, until I play it it could end up being worse than before. (I already found big Tunisia unplayable because it was nothing but spawn-to-spawn sniping. This change could either make it playable or kill it completely)

chinese mid tier plane thats it

I think he meant tracers

duck tracers, the enemies shall fear my out of nowhere shrapnel

lets hope for a Fokker D.XXI

yes its spawn to spawn sniping, however you both have cover and its not instantaneously. you have time to move into position and it has alot of hull down positions.

worse of all is how hard Will it be to trace the origin of the shots, and You can’t really go in a straight line to attack the Main source or You are gonna get blasted out of the sky

to be fair, thats the case with all anti air ammo kinds, proxy he as well