Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yes I know as I already said and you seen my reply, If models aren’t ready or not even commissioned gaijin will just looks for the nearest one to choose from. Hence said Praga went for Russia.

This could be true, however I don’t think it’ll be the end of them. Would rather have stuff from former republics rather than war pact.

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Gaijin Devs can you do me a favor, pls make the Baz Meshupar truly unique, its literally a copy paste from the american one, our baz meshupar, have israeli ground ordinance (Lizard Bomb, Popeye, Spice Bombs), the Upgrade package comes too for air with the Python-4 missile, with the capability to use the Derby Missile too and a lot of israeli ground ordinance soo… for the love of god make it unique like the japanese one!!! @Smin1080p the devs are aware of this?

The sniper can be potentially foldered under HuAF fulcrum, with access to improved RWR and new MFDs which is more of an asthetic modification. If there was to be a tier 8 premium, I would imagine the A-200A tornado but presented in a camo scheme of the cold war. But on the other hand, I do not see how the F-104S TAF or A-1A would have a sales problem since the first grinds fast and the second one is okay as a CAS, as long as its not played in an uptier to 11.7.

Hint: the term “GAIJIN” is a Japanese word.

pthahahaha sorry to burst your bubble m8 but they would do nothing to a single player on the forums

There is actually only one Czech vehicle that was simply added to fill a gap, not purely because it’s Czech. The other two are Soviet and just used by Czechia.


Oh and on that topic, one of their first games published at the same time of the IL-2 is an anime game.

Just saying.

Yea it’s like saying Australia is our sub because of the Boomerangs. Even though it’s not our sub

I mean looking at the trend of 12.0 premiums, I think they will continue to add higher br premiums to other nations, as they also do with 11.3 ground premiums, despite some have already had rank 7 premiums.
Only other candidate I can think of is a trainer variant of F-16, though it would be less capable and interesting especially as a premium imo.

On a side topic, maybe it could be ideal to have a RNLAF camo scheme for F-104G, F-16A(block 15 for Netherlands) and F-16AM(block 40 OCU for Netherlands), available from unlocking, to demonstrate both nations contribution. Currently, it was mostly Belgian aircraft at higher tiers.


Italy does operate F-16B as a part of the typhoon transition deal. But for 12.0 prem it seems like that gaijin is hesistant to make gen 4s available through purchasement, but rather presenting upgraded gen 2/3 like the F-20 and bison. But we would never know, perhaps by the time some nations got their tier 8 premiums its already time for eurocanards.

Three you mean. Cause T-55AM1 is Czechoslovakian made, although for some reason it have USSR flag on stat card. Meanwhile its Kladivo FCS was domestically developed in Czechoslovakia, aswell as the tank itself was built in license. Also the tank is missing the LWS it had. The Warsaw Pact then taken the upgraded T-55 as standard. Also it shouldnt have the turret addon armor, as that was added from T-55AM-2 not AM-1

I’m still extremely disappointed we got a J11A instead of a J10A :/

Is it the czech variant though? As I am aware there are like 3 or so different T-55AM1s IRL.

Aaaand PL-12s are actually pretty good. Not realistic but thats the same with derby and AAM-4, those 3 are too early for the game.

I imagine the Italian tree could become really cool with Romania like the IAR-93, IAR 99 etc and the TR-series tanks, Bulgaria and Croatia could be added to the Italian tree since they were part of the Axis and that Gaijin intends to make the tree more affiliated with the Axis


Exclude Croatia and I’d be relatively fine with that


Croatian designs would be better in a hypothetical yugoslavia tree. It has modernized J22 orao, M-84A4 sniper, M-95 degman and also got stuff like bradleys post balkan war.
Giving them to other nations would be weird.


Since Gaijin didn’t add the ARH to the F-20 or the Bison (or the SU-39 for that matter) I’m guessing they don’t want ARH premiums yet.

Are they being cautious? Making sure that they don’t have premiums at too high a BR like they claimed when the F-20 came in? Or just keeping ARH premiums back for the next round of air premiums after they’re done selling the 12.0 ones.