Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


It’s 5x rp though on the Dev, it goes quick


oh at longer ranges its fine for me

effectively yeah, my bad about the 229s part it was misinformation i seen on reddit, but the 0E engines are meant to have more thrust than the 100s on the A subsonic and more efficient supersonic

Computer Virus but its British XD


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I want to see them play it for 150 average match duration in dogfights with F-20A.

Well, at least it means I dont need to farm france anymore. Time to get the best Rafale in game as it would have ASRAAM

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True lol

Yep and I just realised it was the same person who asked about Romania.

So that means,

France - Benelux,
Italy - Hungary & Romania,
Britain - South Africa & India.

United Korea for China anyone to make it the ultimate tech tree. lol

Germany - Argentinia
Sweden- Scandinavia as a whole

Forgot about Sweden lol

I guess that means Japan will ether have Malaysia or Indonesia along side Thailand.

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<.< forgetting about sweden, but deliberately not naming germany?

Is a rework of the Spanish tank crew voicelines planned? In my honest opinion they don’t sound like native Spanish speakers at all, some commands make no sense and overall sounds as if they were done by an AI.

I mean Germany at least via devblogs hasn’t really got a sub I know Smin has said so.

So I’m still kinda iffy.

But yea ether way seems like gaijin is trying to make countries tech trees into small unofficial factions.

i mean, if we specialy count devblogs norwegian, denmark, india arent a thin either. Those are all out side of dev blogs acknoweledgements

I mean there the commonwealth statement, but yea can you get those Argentina quotes again please

is the one where Smin is annoyed about u all always starting that matter and questioning it enough lol?

Don’t remember that one if it was months ago.

Idk with all these nations getting two or more subs now I get my hopes up for a Warsaw pact nation to round the year off.

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eh, more like another sub tree this time for japan and the ground benelux one.
But doubt a whole new nation