Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I am not sure about that. that’s not what the French told us. They said it predates Britannia,

Don’t be jealous of our gift :)

Yes, gimmie GIMMIE





I always love the dev server for reminding us that we could have proper progression and economy.


I get your point, but researching from 0 to rank 4 in one game is not a progression devs would like.

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They prefer thousands of games in a rank 7 premium tank to get from Rank 1 to rank 8.


So I assume the Servers are getting doxxed again? 20-70% PL, completely unplayable. Everything was butter smooth a few hours ago. Nothing updating on my end either or causing this.

Next one will probably be Australia

Without like 500% booster on SL and RP

At least 10k rp per match would have been nice

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It works out that way in Air RB with a premium. Ground even with a premium you need like 9 kills to get that.

The “9 kills is easy” crowd ignore 2 important things.

  1. It’s not easy for everyone.

  2. There aren’t 9 kills available for each player in the match. Zero sum game and people are competing to get the most RP.


Or ability to use some of yellow research points for free daily, as RN they are completely locked behind a pay wall.
It exists in Enlisted and is completely free.

Although maybe ability to use a certain amount of research points from that pool should be earned through battles imo.


Ground battles seriously need RP rework. If it’s same as Air RB then it will still be a massive improvement

We all remember the deleted blogpost.

I dont remember 🙂

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Is this new?

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no, its old

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i didnt remember that fire sticks to the ground

go check it out on the Live, its there too

whats that last one?

Hal Tejas