Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Should be same engine and same airframe with Kurnass2000 iirc.

Any guesses on when the dev server will open?

I would say in about 15 minutes

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I’m sure the 10.7s will just love fighting against ARH missiles. Moving the ICE down isn’t a solution, a higher BR cap and more decompression (which also benefits everyone) is.

the updated dev client is still on 2.35 btw.

Then make 10.7 plane against 13.0 seems like better for you.

Forget it, it’s 1 a.m. here, I’m going to go to bed and look at the dev server tomorrow morning


good night

Hello @Smin1080p

Could we perhaps see a change to multipathing for the Simulator game-modes?

The Current multipath altitude is way too high, nearly 10-20x realistic levels and it’s being exploited by everyone half decent at the game at the moment.

I wish I could be excited about these Fox 3’s but they’re effectively useless in SB. You’re putting yourself at a disadvantage trying to play the BVR / Energy game currently.

Given that the devs doesn’t seem to want to change it for RB, wouldn’t you think reducing the effect in SB could act as a good playtest? Given that SB is meant to simulate reality to a greater extent compared to RB.

Thank you


mine updated to

You need atm

I got it now, updated again

Mine updated to

The new J8 with PL12 is already 11.7… so it will be an issue anyway


It wasn’t a statement, but a demand

now we just need authorisation

Don’t worry, its not opening even if you finish downloading ;)

same here

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