Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Sis. Dogfight an F-16 in a MiG-29 then say that again.

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this is not what this is about

also I have and ive won most of the time because of R73

dont even get started for ground, i would say air is reasonably balanced as of right now. ground on the other hand is a clusterfck that never will be fixed.

I’m not really a coastal fan. I love frigates and other intermediate sized vessels irl but in-game I just can’t get behind them for some reason (and also I don’t want to go through a million RP to get to the ones I don’t have yet as cool as they are).
Mutsu kept me in the game last patch, but this one? As much as I think they’d be a bad idea, I’d rather they added submarines now just so something happens on the naval side. I guess I’ll hold out hope that the dev server or patch day will bring a previously unannounced addition. If not, then a three-month break from the game could be a good thing.

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Potentially different numbers yeah but the premise remains relevant. The R-77 showcased in todays stream (RVV-AE) does not have a sustainer and has a substantially more draggy design due to the presence of the grid fins, as well as that it’s able to pull a higher G load so bleed more energy. In the stream it even took quite a while to hit the subsonic F-86 in the test drive from ~6km (I think?) from the rear.

you need to remember the tracking rate on the R-77 is gonna be worse as they said on the dev server, its likely gonna be the worst of the fox 3s except maybe the darter which I know nothing about.

Man i don’t wanna Even play Germany anymore the F4F ICE sucks

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Not true, it matched the aim120 in bvr at 40km in jaeks video

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i really hope they give the FGR2 9ls and mavericks, would make it actually different to the FG 2. or is it the other way round, either way i think it should be added.

In war thunder, AIM120A will probably be a bit longer ranged than the other 2, and keep its energy slightly better

If it was modelled correctly, MICA would be slightly longer ranged, and slightly faster, but not by much.

As for close range + TVC, it all boils down to : will it be bugged or not X)

During the march testing, MICA would often lose its speed because of wobbling, and it was also limited to 50km apparently, it still was at 50 on the stat card during the dev stream (should be 80).
AMRAAM was also helped by the fact that the platforms throwing it accelerate better up high than the m2k


I don’t know about the Russian ones, but, if MiG-29G is anywhere close, I ADORE IT.

R-73 and R-27ER are basically free kill buttons 99% of the times. Meanwhile, AIM-7M struggles to fly even remotely close to their targets most of the times, and AIM-9M isn’t nearly as useful on short ranges (although it may be a bit better on medium ranges).

Like, R-73 can literally hit an enemy on your 9 / 3 and 100m away, it’s hilarious lmao
And R-27ER can hit an enemy that is 15 km away in a matter of seconds reliabily, while it can also hit enemies head-onning you 300m away.

I will still do it and I will loose my will to live while im at it

god I cant even imagine the Stock grind with 2 9L at 12.7 without HMD or IFF

When will the dev server open?

soon I guess?

Can anyone please give the link of dev server so i can download it if gets open today?

I won’t, i Will just enjoy the new PUMA Xray model


It’s literally the best MiG-29. Engine upgrade (like 2%) and the lightest with all the kit. Soviet 9-13 is heavier, weaker engine and r-60m only if I recall.

yes but sadly there is no mels rockets :(