Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

God luck APWKS suck ass, we only got the small amount launcher. Tandem and proxy heads are missing in the game

Italy hasnt had any luck with that so far.

That’s all wrong too but Gaijin basically told me to F myself on the report.

The launchers modeled for the helicopters aren’t even the right branch. They’re navy launchers LOL (incompatible with Apaches)

Talking about italy, they stopped 2a8 orders because production wont be shifted to italy for certain parts.
Instead they are intrested in the KF51 maybe

Yeah it’s missing 2 AMRAAM’s for the inner pylons. Apparently it could also carry AIM-9 and AGM-122 on the outrigger pylon’s too but not too sure about it

I think that has been proven wrong or something. Harrier Gr7/9 can though, but they have a different pylon set up.

But the 4 AMRAAM I can beleive.

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hey google how to tell if a document is still classified?

Huh? Can you send the article?

You got to wait until your house get’s raided and your pet it shot, then you will find out

Here the forum discussion he added an article latwr as well. Its from one of the main italy guys in the forum Italien Leopard 2A8 - #21 by Il_Signor_Regio

I’m pretty sure the manual people are saying proves it is classified but there are images of those pylons being used so Gaijin could use those instead. But there’s not much benefit to getting those pylons other than the obvious extra missiles. It will be perfectly fine without it but would be nice to see.

The 2 extra AMRAAM should definitely be added and would benefit both of the AV-8B’s

Yeah, though its BR placement might be affected.

Publicly available info says AIM-9 on stations 1-2, and 6-7

Also its missing Zunis. And A whole bunch of stuff is still using Mighty Mouse when it should be using Hydras (They are both 2.75 inch rockets)

If they add the missing AMRAAM’s then it might be fine at 12.3 but if they don’t it most likely would be alright going down to 12.0, same with the Shar FA.2. I think at 12.0 that thing would be alright at.

Yep, FA2 probably needs to be 12.0. Unless flames report for BOL + Twin rails goes through and we get that buff. Then it would be fine at 12.3.

AV-8B+ has the advantage of the Harrier II airframe and the ability to always have a gun. FA2 has to sacrifice that, with 2x Aim-9 and 4x AMRAAM + gun. Its in a very strong position. if it got 4x Aim-9 + 4x AMRAAM, i could actually see it move up.

So worth considering for balance.

but with no extra AMRAAM. yeah, 12.0 would suit it probably better

The picture of the AV-8B+ with outrigger pylons is a mockup though.
It has no upward firing flare dispensers that were on the prototype and production AV-8B+ and the end of the fuselage spike has the Marconi PVS2000 doppler MAWS that’s only on the British Harriers.
It’s from the early 1990s when Harrier with APG-65 was first being pitched, and McDonnell/BAE were still courting interest in the project, and seemed to include the UK as a potential buyer.
1991 AV-8B+ prospectus published by BAE
The outrigger pylons and doppler MAWS haven’t been on any prototype or production AV-8B+ since it first flew in 1992


So what your saying is its a sales pitch for the British

I understand why Italy wants local production, so good for them (I also dislike that we (NL) are getting way too close with Germany, but that is off topic).

This would be interesting for in game as well. Germany could be progressed with more modern leopard 2 variants while Italy could receive the KF51 earlier (the hungarian one with the 120mm). This way both would have strong future top tier MBTs while having some uniqueness setting the trees apart.


I’m sure we are getting BOL pods for the AMRAAM’s aswell, pretty sure they were in gszabi’s unused assets list. So possibly we could take AMRAAM with BOL + 2 9M with BOL on the outer pylons then a gun + AMRAAM on the inner pylons.

Is chaff broken for anyone else?

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