Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

I mean I’m just using BRs others suggested to me for those points in time. Because they have 2000+ weapons.

Inb4 UK gets Indian Navy MiG-29K


Yeah the problem is gaijn and how they place stuff. For aircraft it can be such a miniscule change that it doesnt warrant adding a new vehicle cause it would be the same thing without a noticeable change. Like radar(maybe) it might make a big enough difference but gaijin goes by loadout to warrent a new vehicle.

Probably. No way we get nativee stuff anymore


Also here you go

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Each one is a multi-year major upgrade program and that’s how I split them.

As it was how we did it before I started this project.

Haha, that guy says that about literally anything even slightly american. Must be US TT. He even wanted the Harrier Gr7 in the US TT


Thats great, now we just gotta hope that gaijin sees it the same way instead heres the A, and heres the C and thats it. Gaijin and their infinite wisdom is very “suprising”

Also with the finish F18, i should mention gaijin love of swedish trial vehicles. We could see the Halli trial aircraft for finland (pls no gaijin)

I mean yeah I would expect them to, they have a finish air line lol

juet tell him to give us the US harriers since they are still based on the Harrier 1s

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I did. :D

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When update?!

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When god returns my friend : P

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They would have to add better HARM missiles to US than agm 122 if they added ALARM. The agm-122 is an upgraded aim9c pretty much, and with 16.5 km range you’d have to be well within range of pantsir to use it. Agm-88 would be a better fit for US

Considering most nations used the AGM-88 HARM. Like Germany on their Tornados. yes. I imagine they would add them too.

The US cannot be allowed to have anything but a mid tank stay in its own tree it seems.

So you want US to get AGM-88 HARM. UK ALARM. USSR its equivalent and then no one else is even allowed a single HARM missile because they bought AGM-88s from the US?

US exports a load of weapons. If you want unqiue stuff, dont export so much


What do you want me to do? Call Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop Grumman? Send a letter to whoever is in charge of overseeing military exports? The reason I really don’t like when other people get our stuff is that
A. It sucks to play against the exact same or similar plane, ruins tech tree uniqueness, and there’s sometimes better versions of our stuff at the same exact BR
B. Those same people all happy about getting their “new” planes will also deny any vehicles for the US that aren’t American, even if we used/tested them or they’re a foreign mod of OUR OWN vehicles they bought FROM US(king tiger would be a pretty “out there” example)