Major Update "Seek & Destroy" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Dev stream when

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Mirage 5BA is neat. I’m hoping the Mirage 5BA MirSIP can come later down the line

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yea Depends on what/if it gets missiles, CMs and its BR tbh

that thing could be a Milan gameplay wise

5BA already gets CMs and AIM-9Ps. 5BA MirSIP could likely get P-4s, ballistics calculator, complete cockpit overhaul, and possibly access to Laser-guided stuff (as it has a designator under the nose). Unfortunately, Belgium wasn’t able to upgrade a whole lot due to costs, and they later sold them to Chile

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do you see a Designator in that Devblog picture?

No, that was part of the MirSIP upgrade (which also added Canards and the fully upgraded cockpit)


This makes me hopeful that multi-nation factions will be added in the future, as they are at least considering them.


Also, this is extremely early. I know the stream is coming today, however I can’t remember any voldbegs in the past coming out this early other than the Csaba one.

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They might be planning on pumping out a couple more plugbevs before the streams and started early

before the stream, they need to upload the schedule on twitch, so we can know from that

they ususally give us an announcement before the twich schedule updates

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Hey Smin, do you know by any chance if the devs consider giving the belgian F-16s an optional dutch skin/livery with the update? Or will it only receive belgian skins?


This is just the AIM-120 being added for the EBS HU, right? And not the MS20 Block 2 upgrade

Where are Meteors for Gripens?

Why would the best ARH missile in the world be added?

Cause its missle the Swedish JAS-39C uses.


And it’s the best ARH missile in the world. Also, the Gripens use the AIM-120.

Maybe in a few years