Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Well, they stated that they were doing this for AGMs with a caliber of >170mm, so anything exactly 170mm or below will not be getting this buff, at least not this time around. I assume they made the distinction of setting it at >170mm to precisely exclude missiles like the Spike-ER. Also, it may be, as someone else stated, that they’re basing it on the warhead and not the missile itself - which stands to reason since this is a warhead-specific update/fix/buff.

This shouldn’t be taken as me being against some fixes or updates to the Spike-ER at all, as I’d love that, I have a near-zero kill-score with the Spike. Can’t get it to land anything but "hit"s and maybe knocking out an external module at best. And that’s assuming it even hits in the first place. Turns out the best defense against Spikes is to just place all your armor spaced around center mass of the vehicle, other areas won’t matter as it won’t hit those places xD

why should i tell you when i can show you ? :D


just a few could put in t90 and t72 or leopards as well but you get the point
more modules added to make the usual “hit” more rare


These are amazing… it’s the next step in War Thunder’s vehicle depiction fidelity.

War Thunder’s internal vehicle module modelling was always more comprehensive than its counterparts, but this is full-fledged-simulator-level at this point.


yeah but i would have wished me they added it to all vehicles in 1 giant patch
and not few vehicles now later some more etc etc

but its cool

Love it when the autoloader hangs out the bottom of the hull (W.I.P. I know)

Every T-72 and T-90 got really screwed over.


Abrams got more modules to absorb all the spall.

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It would be pretty dumb for the Spike ER to get the buff but the PARS 3 misses out despite being a larger missile with a bigger warhead solely because of ‘calibre’.

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Is system redundancy modeled?

More like “more modules to disable the tank” lol

Now, when you penetrate the 350mm KE hull, the hydraulic pump, horizontal aiming drive and vertical aiming drive will be destroyed… if the crew survives the hit on the first place xD

Not that I am complaining though, these new modules are amazing as long as they come for every nation at the same time.

Just… let’s not pretend the Abrams is being benefitted from this xD

Hull hits are still 90% a 1-hit crew kill. And even if the new modules increased the crew survivability, it would only be in exchange of being disabled harder and more easily anyway, leading to a second-shot death anyway.

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Aren’t most of the important things redundant on the abrams? If they split fcs into smaller modules that could sort of simulate it

You know the protection analysis lies. I can hit that same spot with 292 in test drive and it won’t OHK enough times to make it an issue.

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Protection analysis may lie, but my experience through +19,085 matches in Rank VII-VIII MBTs (4,333 of which were on Abrams tanks and the rest of which were on MBTs from 7 other nations) don’t xD

(Well, that’s counting each vehicle’s matches; dividing these by average lineup sizes, it’ more like 4,800 matches, 1,100 if which were on Abrams tanks. Depends on how “match counts” are done, I guess, hahah. Point still stands though.)

Cool !

Somehow our experiences differ.

Lmao right as I open it up your bug report gets denied

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  • ZT-6 Mokopa: shrapnel preset: ATGM → 170 mm HEAT warhead
    from a recent datamine, this has 5.37 kg TNTeq
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for now only the zt6 got the buff, my guess is that the spike has too little tnt but idk, they stated only 170mm as the requirements

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the first version i was talking about was the in-game one, and Italy didn’t used AIM-7s afaik

can’t believe in this update the only ww2 aircraft we are getting are non french french stuff. i get modern stuff is the cool kid on the block, but in this update there nothing for lower tier players to unlock for the other nations

They did use AIM-7E iirc but never beyond Starfighters

the fokker alone takes up all the cool for this update

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