Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

Yet you have no counter as to why your precious more mobile tanks (like the M1A2 SEP in my example) are getting hard stomped by generally less mobile tanks like the 2A7V and Strv 122.

I do though? Those tanks you listed aren’t much less mobile than the abrams but they have other factors in addition to it that make them stronger. (2A7 23.3hp/t vs SEPV1 24.3hp/t (without additional armour package as it would then have worse hp/t at 23.1hp/t).)
Also you have the US player issue which is another aside.

You still aren’t addressing that the devblog clearly states it will have composite on the front of the turret.

Like what, the worse ive seen is the completely wrong model of the challenger being added, it just looks like they gave up half way through after realising that it would make the challengers actually good, but the couldn’t be asked to change it back as they had to show something.

The only time this has happened with a br is the harrier gr 1, whcih was extremely funny at the time, but has now caused them to make the sraams useless and under performing massively.

I would love to make a bet with you, if they add the composite, i win and you have to acept you were wrong. if they dont, ill chew my leg off and beat myself to death with it.

Although i do agrea, mobility is king. if both tanks have similar mobility then armour becomes a factor. this is where the leos and strvs become better as they have large areas covered in spall liners and composite that can stop rounds effectively.

First of all, Gaijin devblogs say a lot of things, mostly just marketing talk when it comes to premiums.

Second is that composite could mean a lot of things. It doesn’t just mean the X-ray type composite. For example a view days ago the 2A4M turret cheek add ons were still composite screens with a 0.16x KE modifier. So technically the 2A4M already had composite armor on the cheeks, it just didn’t do anything.

“Surely they won’t make the VT-4A1 11.7, I mean it’s straight up worse than the ZTZ and WZ, I’m sure it’s WIP”

“Seems like the CR3 TD doesn’t have blowout panels, surely that’s just wip or they’ll give it DM63 to make it more survivable”

“The 2A7V has worse armor than the Strv 122s, that can’t be right? Surely it’s just standard dev server stuff and will be fixed”

“Surely they won’t add a sidegrade/downgrade M1A2 with the 2A7V and Strv 122, no I’m sure they just copied the stats of the normal SEP as WIP. I’m sure they’ll change it”

Took some example of multiple nations from the air superiority update.


First of all, Gaijin devblogs say a lot of things, mostly just marketing talk when it comes to premiums.
Second is that composite could mean a lot of things. It doesn’t just mean the X-ray type composite. For example a view days ago the 2A4M turret cheek add ons were still composite screens with a 0.16x KE modifier. So technically the 2A4M already had composite armor on the cheeks, it just didn’t do anything.

God why are you coping so hard? The devblog explicitly states it will be able to stop most kinetics rounds at the same rank. It explicitly states that the armour very similar to that of the 2A7s turret armour. It explicitly states that it will have composite added to the turret front. The images of the material easily accessibly explicitly state that it has additional armour inserts when on operations.

And on-top of all of this it is 11.3, you have to be utterly delusional to believe they are going to add a leopard 2A4 with only a better round at 11.3 when they already have a leopard 2A4 premium at 10.3. It would make zero sense from a business standpoint as people wouldn’t buy it.

Everything available indicates that this is essentially going to be a leopard 2PL but with a better round at the same BR.

Jesus christ stop coping.

It’s alright though, time will prove me right.

doesn’t really fall into the same category, as they would have had to put a chally 1 at 11.3 to be similar to this. As ive said, ill beat myself to death with my own leg if it doesnt come with at least some composite on the front (external).

Because I have seen devblogs state many things. I have just learned not to believe everything they say at face value.

In the end we’ll just have to wait and see what they do decide to do with it.

I give gaijin a lot of flak but gaijin are not going to release a premium for one of the most played nations at top tier that is the equivalent of a 10.3 tank that already has an existing premium when every piece of available information from gaijin or otherwise indicate that it will be equivalent to the 2PL but with a better round.

I believe they are incompetent but they are not going to torpedo their ability to print money.

alright was wondering since the MICA IR is still in the files from the last dev.

We not getting Python 4 so no MICA-IR

To be fair (and no offense to those publishing the dev blogs) they are often filled with translation errors or mistakes by the authors regarding the vehicle’s capabilities.

I’m not saying that’s the case here, just that I personally wouldn’t trust what the dev-blogs claim too much.


Seeing as the only real change to the model is a seeker swap, cheaper to get them both made at the same time and then the model is ready for when you need it.

There’s not even stats for it in the game files like there is for the Python 4. Just the model.

I was find some information

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and no 2S38 BR change?

Which weapons receive the update to “large calibre” HEAT warheads?

Is it applied to weapons above a certain calibre or warhead weight?

Or is it manually selected?

manually I think. so far its for hellfires, mavericks and some chinese missile

more than 170mm

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mig-23 destroyed xD ahahah

for what

148 round rack as example ?