Major Update “Seek & Destroy” — DEV Server Changelog (11.06.2024)

I give gaijin a lot of flak but gaijin are not going to release a premium for one of the most played nations at top tier that is the equivalent of a 10.3 tank that already has an existing premium when every piece of available information from gaijin or otherwise indicate that it will be equivalent to the 2PL but with a better round.

I believe they are incompetent but they are not going to torpedo their ability to print money.

alright was wondering since the MICA IR is still in the files from the last dev.

We not getting Python 4 so no MICA-IR

To be fair (and no offense to those publishing the dev blogs) they are often filled with translation errors or mistakes by the authors regarding the vehicle’s capabilities.

I’m not saying that’s the case here, just that I personally wouldn’t trust what the dev-blogs claim too much.


Seeing as the only real change to the model is a seeker swap, cheaper to get them both made at the same time and then the model is ready for when you need it.

There’s not even stats for it in the game files like there is for the Python 4. Just the model.

I was find some information

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and no 2S38 BR change?

Which weapons receive the update to “large calibre” HEAT warheads?

Is it applied to weapons above a certain calibre or warhead weight?

Or is it manually selected?

manually I think. so far its for hellfires, mavericks and some chinese missile

more than 170mm

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mig-23 destroyed xD ahahah

for what

148 round rack as example ?

Please. Correct Bretagne … 3 months that it has been repported, but nothing was done

are you forgotting some nerf?

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Link the report

It’s also brimming with vulnerable components now, the least it could do is not be stuck with 20 round magazines. At least now it has some sustained damage now that it’s looking to be the most fragile light vehicle.

which one ?
with the modules and stuff ?

Big news its not only the 2s38 that get’s it

or what do you mean ?

so ? alot of vehicles get it
so that’s not really a nerf

otherwise you could say Puma got nerfed gepard gepard1a2 etc got nerfed leopards etc etc etc
so no tha’ts not a nerf at all

Can we get a quick acknowledgment for spike er pls.

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