Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

I just want the LAV-25 to be added… and maybe the MLPWS…

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Your post’s wording made it difficult to understand. Especially when the “nerf” is a 15G turn becoming 12Gs, both turns knock out the pilot in-game almost instantly.
Complaining about that change and implying the Rafale is superior, make your post look like it’s hating on the Typhoon when the only change was a minor insignificant change to max G of the turn.
It still turns better than everything in the game, its STR remains the same, its speeds remain the same.

And Rafale went from F-18 speeds to F-16C speeds… which is not the buff your post was portraying it to be.

Make a better worded post, think critically on what changes and what those changes mean prior to posting.

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Great, 33t vehicle that can’t even block 30mm rounds, how are we supposed to find bugs if things are incomplete to this extent, and no one can even bring it to battle without having 8k GE.

This is the “unplayable” nerf that @FlyingOstridge posts’ imply/claim ruins the Typhoon and makes any of the Rafale better.

Clearly the best performance in War Thunder is inferior to those that are inferior…

Thanks to Fireball for telling me to do this test with 27 minutes of fuel and 2 missiles.

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I never said anything regarding that nerf did I?
Not that I care about gen 4s though, they’re just hype train crap that people think is relevant to the game.

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Thank you for the correction.
I’ll amend my post.

Eh. It’s whatever.
You needn’t do it, why even waste time on it.
I just hate how they can’t be retroactive to older stuff, that’s my biggest issue.

They’ll get around to older stuff, they change things constantly.
There’s a ton in this changelog alone.

Give it time, give respect to the bug reporters and devs that put work into this for an unprecedented amount of vehicles ever added to a combat game.
War Thunder is among the first games ever made to let you control a realistic Leclerc… All for 56GB of game.

Oh, respect and hold to account. That’s the full statement.

Can someone share it’s modifications and weapons armament on dev server? Thanks in advance.

@Smin1080p_WT Do we know anything about an italian PzH 2000 (italian, not the hungarian premium)?


I can respect the mods and bug reporters but afaik the devs are rather despicable to me.
Getting around to the old stuff should honestly just be a thing of one singular patch at this point, it’d pull a hell of a load of old players back in. Well, combined with a general decompression and balancing patch.
I’d rather wait in Q for two mins and get a balanced, fun match than instantly get into a game with my antiquated and powercrept vic versing the newest and most cookie cutter addition. When “but muh player count too low” is mentioned I simply disregard that, the game is way too alive for that to really count. ( Could be more but we know why it isn’t).
Well that and consider the fact that if that was done people would spend more, so win-win.


I think some gps/laser munitions the rest is the same.
Same engines, missiles, low flare count and high chaff, no hms. pretty much the same but a little bit better.

Is it just like German Tornado ASSTA?

Not worse, maybe even better, the Ret8 should get a little more payload options

Just want to see it myself, but I have no access to laptop at the moment.

@Bonrath Decompression wouldn’t cause a queue increase, and actual decompression would still look like compression to a lot of people that don’t know what compression is fundamentally and think the world isn’t balanced unless it’s a direct 1:1 vehicle fight [or as close to that ideal as possible].

As an example: I’ve had this conversation when I talk about T26E5, IS-3, IS-4M, and Maus. 4 entirely different capabilities, but all within the power of each other to be balanced.
Decompression would never separate these 4 under a correctly implemented decompression, but people can and have argued that Maus and T26E5 should never face each other despite it being a rather fair fight.

But this isn’t for this update, so if we continue this it’d be wise to do it in the balance topic or in DMs.

We spent money on this game, and the developers should be worthy of the payment they received. Respect is mutual. However, it seems that we are not being respected enough at the moment. Most of our opinions are ignored, and only the ones they deem correct are considered and implemented. Given this, why should we continue to give them our time and respect?

Ye ur rite.
Given how much of a hard on they got for my posts ( can’t even criticize some things directly) I’ll rather stop than keep entertaining certain pepegas around here.