Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

anyone else unable to login to the dev server saying it can’t load user profile?

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Any plannified changes on Fulcrums or Flankers flight models?

log in using guest account a few times, quit, then login using normal

This is actually realistic? Even early Mi-24A has a rocket CCIP, I wonder why soviets removed it in D variant for some reason?


The assta1 technically has assta3 as a modification ingame, for the ljdams (and as far as I know assta3 is the most modern german upgrade, the 3.1 being a minor upgrade for newer mfds). Its wierd though as italy and gbr get their own modern tornados, but dont worry bro they are probably going to give the ret8 a single jdam or something and call it a day. I looked over all the update changes and this dev server all i see is nerfs to italian vehicles and the only nice thing is ariete and sagitarrio getting ground belts (which they had originally). more suffering for me! yay i love maining italy! getting a nerf for an overtiered bs anti air bro good grief im gonna crash tf out bro. at least were getting something modern, but gaijin will probably send all of its armament to hell like it did with the f16 adf, ariete, and dont get me started on the f104s.asa thats at 12.0 now. bro im so incredibly mad that im not even mad, playing italy is like a a 100000hr edging streak bro just let be already gaijin how much more do you want to thrust your golden eagles up bro :(((

I am sad to see no namer fixes for weight.


Anyone else having problems using non laser guided guided munitions on dev server?

If I move the aircraft in anyway I pretty much immediately lose lock even if the GBU/Maverick’s seeker can still see target.

It does it on all aircraft and any guided munitions that isn’t laser guided.

Its actually not that surprising. the UK and Italy upgraded the hell out of their Tornado IDSs but it seems Germany didnt, at least not in anyway that would be relevant at this time for War Thunder like ECM.

But Germany does still have joint lead on the number of Tornado IDS though with the only one armed with ASMs and the only premium one.

We’ll have to wait and see what the Italian “late” IDS is actually like, but I dont think Germany is missing out on much.

Im still waiting for a Tornado Gr1 (Early)

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How do I install the dev server client on Linux ? The link given in the official announcement for the opening only gives me an .exe file.

give f/a18 A aim7ps please

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No Delta 6 that’s for sure, only maybe Delta 3 if they decide they want it to be added

Why not just give the F/A-18A the AIM-7P and put it at 12.7, give the F-18C Early the AIM-120’s it had, stays with the AIM-9L’s and put it at 13.3/13.7 while making it 85 euros, and have all the AIM-7P’s as stock and AIM-120’s researchable at Rank IV, the Jas-37 gets AIM-120’s and AIM-9L’s at the 13.0, I really want to buy it, but I think im gonna just have to wait until I know its actually good :(

or the ir guided bomb

It should at least be Tornado with adequate thermals quality. Unlike 1995 one.

Quick question, am I the only one who is slightly surprised by the F/A-18A’s Br in simulation? Because putting it in 12.3 is criminal.

I know that Brs are not decided based on the aircraft’s capabilities/characteristics but still. The aircraft is very well armed, has good flight characteristics and an excellent radar.

By comparison, the Mig-29 and F-16A ADF are placed in 12.7 or 13.0, and those while their armaments are not even comparable (even if the Mig 29’s radar missiles are better, the F-18 can take 6 and has a much better radar).

The minimum would be to mount it in 12.7 but even in 13.0 the plane would remain competent


Same BR as F/A-18A, does it mean it will received AIM-7P as well?


change the Chieftain gun sound to the old M103 gun sound like it was back then

Pls give the type 69IIa its apfsds PLS!!!

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the login problem does not seem to have been fixed on my end. I am still unable to log in.


Bruh nato tanks still dont have spall liners two years later. They really just dont care.