Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

For a Fragile Moment’s Ease from Ye Banished Privateers

I accept if they unexpectedly fix Ariete protection

It’s looking like the only thing not late with this update is the F-18C (late)

There was tons of issues on the last dev I just want to check somethings on the update.
They are taking so long though.

Since the update isn’t here yet I will post a snippet of what Im installing and see who can guess it:

Gaijin: this will be a 70 dollars premium

70 dollars at 9.3*

Not as stupid as the BMP-2M on launch with 8.7

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world of tanks

500 terabytes of sekrit documents


$90, you mean.

yeep my account was finally unmessed up from the merge :/

World of War Planes??? XD

That is certainly one of the games of all time.

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Also gaijin: we plan to introduce a TT equivilant of the kurganets in the future

In five years, obviously, similar to what happened with the two VBCI’s.

still not out an hour later?




Something’s happening on their end, I just hope it’s favourable for us.