Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

10.3 is exactly where it should be

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Gotta love how they still don’t fix something that has been “previously reported to developers”, but done nothing about it for more than a year…

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the 2s38 is meant to be an SPAA not tank hunter so its APFSDS is a questionable choice


Remove all shells but HE-VT :P

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If gaijin wanted a historically accurate 2s38 technology demonstrator that would be the correct choice to make.


But still increase its BR to 11.0 so its a weaker OTOMATIC :P

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its amphibious so its more versatile. 12.0

genuinley on a map like Poland just vibe in the lake and bombs cant do anything


It’s not like the APHEBC on the 2S38 has almost as much pen as the APFSDS on the Strf 9040C or anything either lol


Not like everything about the vehicle is almost like its tailor made to be the perfect WT vehicle


Hope they remember my report haha

i think we need a little SDB II action to SPICE things up by 250%. would really make people go on a RAMPAGE, they would SLAM the enemy team.

TIALDR, it would be cool too see some more stuff that would JSOW the seeds of destruction, and leave enemy team on the ROCKS. it might cause some HARM, but it would be pretty funny.

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Ello, boyz.

Part 5 came later than i expected, only 3 hours ago.


yeah, its like 10 messages per hour now. honestly pretty bad start, we have no shot of part 6 it if stays like this imo.

just need to get the russian fanboy to whine about the fox again and we will get to part 9 by tomorrow

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slow day, slow day indeed.

I wonder what devblog we’ll get on Monday.

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If we begin to discuss the VT5/J11B again, someone will join it and we will accelerate to get part 6 XD


that would be something to see

Jokes aside the VT5 situation is really bad. The modelling was terrible at first and it angered the Chinese a lot. China can be very very defensive of things related to their country and making a Chinese built vehicle (even if it was made cheap enough to be bought by the bangladeshis) that abysmal and adding things to artificially nerf it even further was always going to light a powder keg. Was a textbook example of the one thing gaijin must not do to the chinese


like poor modeling of the abrams angered the Americans a lot? and Challengers angered the British, etc etc. we know how thats going to end up then.

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