Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 5)

Don’t set yourself up for disappointment mate lol.

Honestly, the top tier AA problem is so catastrophic now that literally anything other then HVSD/ADAMs or Spyder is going to feel like a let down to me.

As much as I’d love to get things like Pereh or Eitan, I just know I won’t be able to enjoy them properly in a lineup that has no AA.


A man can dream. Player controlled CIWS and heavy SAM systems…
I don’t even care which SAMs they add at this point, just give me anything that can properly deal with the top tier jets or at least deal with the bombs and missiles they launch


I wonder how it will look (i expect tragedy)

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update tomorrow

No, i just postponed it

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They did the thing

Spyder and adams were passed like few months ago and they said they will deal with this situation soon
Considering there is new cas armament coming as well its hard to belive gaijin will add this without more spaa

Ron Paul – It's Happening High Quality – Reaction GIFs



Did they fix the Tracked Rapier though?
Is it really gonna be 10.0/10.3?
If so, where is the early variant?

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Finally very hyped for this!!

Intresting change on missiles and bombs heating up cuz of the speed
surprise to be sure but a welcome one!

Gonna love being able to lock bombs with Stingers, while still being unable to lock helis that are hovering 2km in front of me

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asking for a friend

@Smin1080p_WT would it be possible to make the new su30sm camo completly clean, rather than being battle scarred please?


Is the exocet coming this update for the super entendard (SEM). I wanna use em

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no they aren’t

Best thing for France naval this update is the Dunkerque shell finally getting more pen, from 540 to 620mm.

Its intended to not be completely clean as with the majority of aircraft skins.


I’m calling it, the Exocet will be limited to an event specific Super Entendard (or however its spelt)

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Eventually it will get widespread. The thing is, it would be unusable outside of a custom match, as the match maker would rightfully not allow any guided missile against WW2 ships

Thanks. I guess they’ll have to wash it with a user skin.