I cant really see the point of Su-30MKK, it has Chinese weaponries but uses the Russian engines with worse thrust, and still lacks CAS weapons with Kh-29TD being the only option. KD-88, the one that is being asked for most frequently, was available on J-10s and JH-7A.
it should come as soon as possible
I’ve also seen people claim that AIM-120s are trash and want C-7s or the 260s. Doesn’t mean what they said was true
Give us aim-120C5 and more dual pylon!
Eh kind of, we added Ground ordinance to our F/A-18C/D fleet through MLU upgrades, the one we have in game is the initial hornet we bought in the 2000s so missing those MLU packages
when su57 is about to join.
wich is still the case?
swaps to fullreal contolls
What do we reckon are going to be the vehicles that come later in the dev?- they did mention that this was the case.
Will the F2 make this update?
I very rarely saw those complaints I see more cope from Germany and the US than any other nation in the game (except the french before the Rafale)
Its supposed to have more range because of the better motor
4 days from now, quietly added to the dev server. xD
a 6th 10.0 british spaa
doubt it, they would’ve drawn more hype for it given how much it is expected to come by now
During Air Superiority it was unreal. I remember having to fight on the forums to try and get the Aim-7MH added that would have barely been a counter to the R-27ER.
One of my friends claimed that in an 2016 exercise, Finnish hornets were photoed with A2G weaponries. However I didnt find that photo and dont know any details.
USMC F/A-18C (late Iraqi Freedom era) equipped JHMCS and AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening AT or AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR targeting pod
I not see Su-30MKK. But after JH-7A ?
I want AIM-120C-3 (Air Force), AIM-120C-4 (USN/USMC) and AIM-120C-5 for NATO 4th gen fighter aircraft
Yep. You added A-G. Switzerland never did. My appologies, your Hornet will be rebadged as soon as it comes out and Swiss Air Force roundels added ;-)
What do you mean about to join, isnt the su57 already here?
edit: /j
i know they are different, however the statcard is a copy paste right now