no guy can folight with russian in ground rb now
Woooah, did not knew we are getting MiG-29OVT too! /s
Eurofighter and Rafale currently do not. They don’t have a means for disabling their AoA limits.
coz gaijin use all his productivity to make the su30, or russian to be the best thing in WT,japan is not that important in a russian bias game.
So the Su-30SM auto turn on the TVC under 600km/h… WHY??? This is fully absurd thing and unrealistic
The TVC function manually turn on/off by the pilot…
@Smin1080p_WT we have a problem here and I’m trying not to let my anger show.
For this update Israel is getting only a single vehicle, and copy paste premium at that, but this is not the issue.
No rather the issue is that the new Netz gets 180 CMs and a new tail, when the old Netz IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THIS TAIL. It’s been bug reported since its introduction over and over again, and now instead of fixing it, they’re selling the fix as 80$??? What is this nonsense? Please give me hope smin, please try to get the developers to fix the regular Netz and and CM situation, if you’re going to keep it at 12.7 please give it the same changes, this is absolutely ridiculous…
Have the Harriers been buffed?
su 30 sm now is distoring the ground rb fight
These are two different modifications of the Netz. One has different stabilisers and the countermeasurers.
Oh really? Interesting
My guy was wrong then
the base 77 has 80km of max range…the 77-1 has 120km max range :) welcome to BVR Flanker Cultists
yes but OTO cant reach planes. ADATS cant too when they fly far. ADATS cant track KH, i can track AA missiles and friendly hellfires but KH is very difficult to impossible. we need better AA
uncontrollable under 600km/h for unrealistic tvc controll mode
Not only does the premium Netz have more countermeasures, but it also has the cooler skin! This is a deplorable demonstration of pay to win.
I guess even if it is true, they don’t really have the same Block number.
As has been bug reported and proven, the Netz we have already ingame and in the tech tree HAD THIS TAIL IRL. It’s not supposed to be different, it’s a historical inaccuracy and therefore a bug. Do I need to grab the bug report links?
They should honestly swap the premium with the tech tree one, it has literally every feature that was bug reported, a better textured livery, more weaponry and countermeasures and is still the same.
Blatant P2W from gaijin and it’s depressing
You must be new here
su30 sm never equiped with kh38,they can’t use it at all
Just like spall liners