The cool thing about copy-paste Premiums is precisely that they are useful tools to grind while they prevent original and unique vehicles from being taken away from the researchable tree.
J-11B looks so hype. The cockpit looks awesome!
I’m very happy with how TVC looks…will it stay like this??? I hope…but prob not :(
cool so russia gets pods and suddenly its an issue
Is the nozzle on the J-11B shorter? WS-10 engine?
Instead of improving the balance in Ground Realistic Battles, they worsen it!
it has a sustainer which will get it further
we dont know if they made the drag dynamic though
Nothing lost from trying I guess?
Gaijin have listened in the past to this kind of request, might be a fun addition for them to do which people would like without too much risk.
Discovery: Italian hairy Ram
it would make it way more interesting then hey look 10.0 SAM number #5
Gaijin once again denying the F-2 for Japan for ??? Reasons
Jet related thing for Israel.
No reason what so ever. Everyone has a 14.0 now except Japan
F should be pretty much identical to the G, apparently optimized for anti shipping purposes but I hope that does not mean the tracking range goes way down like on the Penguin. The H has a CCD seeker (so day only), I think it’s already on the Hungarian Gripen if I am not mistaken, it’s more like a AGM-65B.
The H is also on the Thai Gripen.
A single F-15E can house more CAS ordnance than the whole Swedish tree
Finish F-18C seals the fate of the Swiss F-18 for germany of it having no CAS capability, looks like the EFT will stay their best attacker
Another update without a singular, indigenous Hungarian plane.
Damn, they added aoa turn off for more than just soviet planes, wonder if eurocanards have it?
boring update. more fox3s monsters, no real new gameplay, more kh38 at top tier in even speedier platforms. L devs see you next update maybe