Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

But with that much ordnance?
It shouldn’t go ANY lower if you ask me.
Again, compression issue.

I dont think 6 aams is to much for air RB and the CAS load out is fine when split BR are a thing


R-77-1 isn’t thrust vectoring

It’s still a 'roided up F-5E so it’ll work as long as not played cluelessly.

Ok, my bad!

Still a 50G missile though, one that apparently solves the downsides regular R-77 may have.

Why fight to give the 18A 9M’s ?

At a BR like 12.7, with 9L + 7M, it’ll be a really decent plane. If you give it 9M, it’ll have to go up to 13.0, where it will just get bullied by 14.0’s every match.

The direct buff is an even bigger indirect nerf.

A lot of the 12.7 aircraft have 6 AAMs already so I also don’t really see the problem.

A2G ordinance? it’s good but nothing spectacular for air, and ground BRs are different anyway

unless you mean A2A ordinance which is about equivalent to the F-15A but on a worse airframe


Thrust vectoring that is only great for stall control and will not be of any effect in a Spamraam meta.
The 77-1 is not much of an upgrade range wise, merely some kind of a bone to throw at the abysmal ARH of the soviets in air battles. Overloads are irrelevant on ARH anyway, they all pull enuf

yeah, the A should get 9L, but the C early really is going to need 9M


Idk just saying that every bot will be bombing in it which is cancer enough don’t you think?

Ive now read the devblog

Well, depends on the range. 50G ARHs will pull 180º turns at 1km launches and hit planes from comical angles, while 35G ARHs won’t even hit targets within 2km.

What’s the effective range of R-77 anyway? People talk about it as if it was unisable as an ARH.

Eh it won’t be much different from what everyone else is already doing in the other premiums, except that the fully loaded 18C premiums will be too slow to get to the bases.


I’ve never found bombing an issue past 12.0

an F/A-18C at 13.0 with 4000lbs of bombs won’t destroy a base and likely won’t even get to a base before being shot down


Then why use them if they’re not a michael?
At such ranges some other missiles also exist and people mostly don’t even pay attention to them nowadays lol

Which is good in most cases.
Free food.

Free food is not what we want, this also has no bearing on it getting 9Ms, seeing as bots don’t do combat

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The other (IR) missile is a 30G one, so actually one that pulls less than the ARH, making it even more inadecuaate for such short ranges xD

That’s an upside definitely, yep

yeah exactly

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