Which is fair, but from my experience Gaijin is pretty happy to just leave things be until the playerbase starts making noise.
Yeah this is the calm before the storm of the forums, will be very rowdy tonight I imagine
I get that, but perhaps we should actually wait for snail themselves to tell us what BR they are thinking of putting something at, before we get angy at them for something they may or may not yet do lol.
For all we know, those leaks could already be outdated.
thank gaijin for not adding f18E so i cant make the mistake of grinding the worse hornet first
When would the stream be tonight? 12:00 or 13:00UTC?
Pre AIM-9M & AIM-7M service
In the summer update Great Britain will commonwealth Indian 2S6 Tunguska and improved Shilka 😺
I too am really curious about this. ‘Mod’ is a bit of a vague and unhelpful descriptor lol.
Edit - Could it potentially be the version of Netz with additional countermeasures ?
Wargame Red Dragon reference
Sorry for being annoyin @Smin1080p_WT but regarding my previous ping, do you mind answering that question or am i going to need to struggle and fruitlessly bug report until rejected again? I’m just wondering, for my own nerves’ sake.
That seems likely, IDK what else it could be without moving from BR 12.7
I may have contracted norovirus but at least there’s a leak for me while I lay in bed all day
Re-enforced wings and new avionics from what I can find online, will be identical in game though
No English stream yet? Lately, isn’t the English one usually one hour earlier than the Russian one?
It’s announced afterward, however.
Correction to the Hornet:
F/A-18С Early will be able to carry AIM-7P
We’re so back
It’ll be funny if it is just Netz but with the x120 / x180 countermeasures.
Those missing dispensers were submitted as a bug for our existing Netz way back when it was added. Be hilarious if they sell the fix.