Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Sovetsky Soyuz, if true, is wild no?. Not really sure why we’d leap all the way to that when there’s a more current meta appropriate, un-used Stalingrad model just chilling around?

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question what is gaijin opinion on adding something like the Su30MK1?

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guys a funny thing just happened:

i went to play right now to kill some french sweden enemies and now we are in a team “germany, france, sweden”


So because the F/A-18C (Late) Doesn’t have AESA. (kinda knew it wasn’t) Does that mean we are going to get a F/A-18C (Later)?

F/A-18C (Latest)


Probably just the F/A-18E

It makes sense to do it that way, I just don’t know why they used a USMC Hornet if they weren’t giving it AESA


The aircraft is already very potent and has quite a large arsenal of air-to-air weaponary. It’s BR has been picked accordingly.

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Would it be possible to get a swiz F-18 maybe as a squadroon vehicle (comparable to the su 33)?

sorry I might be blind but what BR is it?

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I found the whole early/late thing annoying when they first started doing it. But this seems to just take the cake. They should have called it the F/A-18C (Mid) honestly I think Mid is how it will preform at 14.0 as well so would be fitting.

this might be true no garuntee tho

does it have AMRAAMs or just Sparrows?

Edit: damn only sparrows that will be rough with only 9Ls and no HMD being thrown against EFT every game

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I love how all the leaked skins are for the premium early.

Just out of curiosity, what BR is it currently at?

Because if it’s not 12.7 with that loadout that is a travesty


the prem 1 and low tier tt1 mostikely Aim-9+Aim-7

18A and 18C seem to be limited to 9L and 7F/Ms so far.

yeah thats gonna be rough at 13.0 since it will pretty much see EFTs and Refales every game


Indeed. No SAMs despite the growing presence of OP C*S, no MBTs despite Rank VIII being a big deal of back in 2023 only to spend an entire year with only 1 addition…

Which is mad, it’s been given the same BR as the F-14B despite just being worse, and there are a lot of calls for the F-14B at 13.0 to get AIM-9M



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