we got a load of harrier buffs, we wont see anything good for over a year as repayment
Strategic bomber update with Vulcan hopefully this year
Tu-160 will be a menace though. Best bomber payload in the world
Yes, it is very strange. Not only the MB 326 and 339, as an Argentine I also expect vehicles that should have already arrived, such as the AMX 13-105 or the A-4M, which are even easier to implement.
I mean, when Germany received the DF105, Gaijin was said that France would then receive the AMX 13-105, which never happened and now France finally receives the DF105 (years later)
Am I the only one who when I test fly one of the new jets in the dev server, bring up the ESC menu in the midst of making a turn, and then get massive lag/computer freezing?
It doesn’t happen in the live server or when flying a prop for me.
Did you also alt-tab?
Mhm, do you also have the problem?
I was doing some bug reporting on the dev server earlier had it crash about a dozen times.
Was/is an issue on the live server as well
This particular dev client is pretty unstable for some reason, was never a problem on the first dev server a couple of days ago.
I want to say there was an issue on the live version which got fixed (cant find the relevant devblog, so dont know if Im mis-remembering or cant find it) and I wonder if the fix was for some reason was not applied to the dev server.
But yes, never had this issue before recently and this is definetly the first dev server with this that i’ve encountered
Its a crime that vulcan isnt in the game, even just as nuke
My stance on this is that tornado is superior nuke jet. But yeah, Vulcan should be in tt by now
it doesnt matter whats “better”. Vulcan is vulcan
Nah that claim is wrong especially on a curry night : P
Vulcan also has smol payload. It actually wouldn’t be that good as a bomber either.
But it’s cool nevertheless
at a BR where its speed would matter it would be good
It’s not even supersonic so not really
well vulcans broke through US air defences in mock wars and would have been able to nuke US major cities without much struggle. Twice so being transonic wasn’t its issue. 20,000lbs of payload near the sound parrier in the mid 50s was also nuts so I don’t really know where you’re coming from
There is a lot more to that story other than Vulcans making it through unscathed.
B-58 max weapons load was nearly 20,000lb and it was from 1950’s
and was it full US air defence? or were parts of it removed/limited?
also, B-52 max speed is apparently 650mph while vulcan is 646
100% full US air defence.
It was the US’s own test of their defences the main thing they were “shooting down” were the US’s own fleet of bombers. it was meant as a full scale test and the RAF was invited kinda for the fun of it. They got through without much effort the first time. Second time, they had to use different tactics, use 3 vulcans to bait the air defences but the 4th got through.
Read up on Operation Sky Shield.