i got it from mikey
I might have got it from Mikey also and the video of the Iranian f-14 with the six Phoenix missiles on it
mikeys the tomcat guy i go to XD
Jaguar GR1.A should absolutely have 9Ls the Bucc at the exact same br does.
The Jaguar IS being at 11.3 tells me otherwise, even though I wouldn’t be against the GR.1A getting some buffs
It should, but unfortunately needs to be considered “supersonic” even though it cant reach those kinds of speeds with a bomb load because people would run it without bombs.
The Jaguar IS would likely be a higher BR than the GR1A with 9Ls due to the IRCCM, But even 11.0 (which based upon the IS and Tornado IDSs at 11.3 I think would be reaosnable) would be too punishing for it. Its barely able to make it to targets at 10.7 and I kinda want to work on seeing if we can get it down to 10.3. (where ground attackers are concerned, a lower BR out weights better AAMs)
But most significant buff it should get is the Jaguar GR1Bs Digital RWR
Jaguar is no better than a Su-25 or A-10 and faces those constantly.
The G is so weak with the nerfs and everyone having 200+ flares.
Rear aspect only is painful when the Jaguar has no nose authority.
I’m not saying the GR.1A is too good for AIM-9Ls, I’m saying that they wouldnt let it stay at 10.7 with AIM-9Ls
The Jag unfortunately was just terrible in terms of flight performance lol
That’s what happens when you take a supersonic trainer and cram it full of kit it was never designed to carry :D
Exactly it can only sustain 5 G lol
At sea level it’s hardly even supersonic
The Buccanner S2 is the same BR carries more bombs, has more countermeasures and makes barely Mach (like the Jaguar) but gets 2 Aim9L
This is a Jaguar not a MiG 19
Hawk when
No. Buc S2B absolute MAX speed is about 0.95 Mach at alt and about 0.9 at sea level. which it can achieve with or without bomb load
Jaguar GR1A with a full loadout, can still reach about Mach 1.02 ish, without any loadout/only Aim-9s, it can reach Mach 1.07 ish. Though does take a while.
I agree that I dont think it would be totally OP if it were to remain at 10.7. But I also suspect more than likely it would move to a minimum of 11.0, and that would be brutal.
Also Jag Gr1A can quite comfortably accomodate the Phimat Pod as little is normally lost by running it. This gives it 60 flares and 216 L chaff. Buc S2B gets 90 CMs. Though it does get a much better RWR (which is why I want the GR1Bs RWR to be added)
Yeah… Its LOOOOOOOONG overdue.
Gotta convince Gaijin, not me
Buffing a British jet…Thats a tall order :P
I use irccm missiles rear aspect only too, because no matter which irccm missile I use it just gets flared super easily in front or side aspect.
Been having a blast with the Jaguar IS last 2 days. Has served me far better as a grinder than the Bison.
Magic 2s are great, wish the British had something similar the AIM 9M is frustrating at top tier :(