Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

You, me and the other 12 naval players.


i dont even play naval. but i will once they add premium Iowa class or Midway carrier

if carriers are a seperate line or tab i might play then too

yeah i never played that one

I don’t see a reason for Carriers. Especially when aircraft get shot down instantly when they go within 10km from a single ship
(Your wing will be ripped off from a 20mm round that was 500m off your nose)

nerf AI gunner, and allow for player to direct large numbers of aircraft

You should, I still play it to this day though with mods. It’s mission builder is really good and simple to use. You could deploy a whole formation of B-17s if you wanted too though it would take you best part of a week to create detailed missions tho

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both are part of theme parks but the one that owned Minsk shut down, it has new owners but its still being refitted and caught fire last year.

they should add a AA mode like battle stations pacfic

theme park isnt quite the same as musuem ship. but once they are back up then i guess they count

what we need is combined arms

with 30 vs 30 match ups boats and planes dueling over ports and islands like guadalcanal and stuff

Kiev is fine, Minsk has the problems

some planes from air realistic quenes get thrown into sea maps where planes have to destroy boats and other planes to win

I would rather get hit by a 16 inch shell than a kh-38 in a tank

eh. for starters, its a heavy aircraft cruiser, not a dedicated carrier. and also, isnt it a hotel? they have changed too much for it to really count anymore imo

maybe new nuke could be mk23 shell broadside on cold war coastal maps

designation was for bosporus strait I assume.

It may have a couple of suites but looking at the website it seems mostly for tours.

nahh its essentially the same as the GR.7 but 6 missiles and assram capabilty (for air to air, its got brimstones for ground)

with asramm 14.0. without you would be hard pushed for any higher then 12.7

if they have modified the ship to be a hotel with tours, then is it really a musuem ship or a tourist trap?

speaking of putting 5th gen IR AAM on weak airframes (for missile slinging). AH-1Z can get AIM-9X lol

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