Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Oh, so you want more copy paste?

Again, France has their Rafales and the F-35 when/if we get there. That’s enough, especially when compared to the future of Sweden.


I’m so done with C&P…
For real… Playing the same models for the 4th time… And the worst part is, is that they require the exact same amount of RP and SL…


until top tier with the F16 they don’t have a good CAS option and the matador will improve that a lot.

give them the Spanish two seater typhoon so its not as good but also unique. will also be a eurocanard with better CAS option than the indian spec rafale they have in their tree.

I’m divided between wanting semi-C&Ps like later variants of the Jag and Harrier and wanting unique aircraft like the Hawk

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Unique = Paywall

of interesting vehicles like the matador and not the leopard, and for them to go to a tree that needs it more

i dont think french mains even want typhoons in their tree


Literally all unique Finnish planes are premium or event.

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Unfortunately… I do fear the first hawk being premium

i dont mind.

but F-18C is unique because it doesnt have the A part /s

Its a fact. Same for the Gnat.

Cas option are mostly fine in french tree, am i missing something or what.

Yep, and could be the same for both Sweden and Britain.

well theyve got the rafale buffed to be better than the typhoon (which it isn’t in reality) so it would just be a better CAS option of similar flight performance

@Morvran Look at the IAR-93. Romanian plane, so its premium. Just like the other Romanian planes. The only TT romanian plane is a foldered bomber. Simply because that wont sell for GE.

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Nah, ain’t no way you’re a french main


i mean its there but it also kinda isn’t.

its really weird to be defend the french tree as an englishman must say

britsh main actually. yes this is weird

this, and your comments on F-22 dogfighting ability, lead me to believe you are another EFT fanboy who thinks it can write in cursive with aerobatic smoke