Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

the gun was actually made and tested, but the chassis we have in game is 99% made up

the F-23 wouldve used an M61A1 or A2, that doesnt make it any less of a complete fiction which shouldnt be ingame

same with MiG 1.44, that also wouldve most likely used an existing russian autocannon

Added at a different time and now they are being hidden

Gun was made but never existed in the configuration it does now. Right now its the most awesome Fantasy tank. Love the Ho Ri

I go back every once in a while to club in it and my Type 87 RCV (P)

Again it doesn’t matter the point was Sweden wasn’t the first nor will it likely be the last as long as money is involved.

I agree that what we have shouldn’t be in the game, but as far as I’m aware we have enough by Gaijin’s standard to have at least some version of the Ho-Ri

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so we can have B-70? and F-12?

Ok then, where my German tested F/A-18’s : )

Id love to see some of the new evidence for how they would actually look finally in game, iirc we have like 2 different models. It would be a very nice addition.


I eated them, besides gotta wait until Germany can get a new premium or squadron vehicle. Additionally they dont fill any gaps which both the F16AJ and othe trial vehicles have filled. Minus T80 U, that was gaijin hoping to get people to pay money for the Mi-28 and T80 together lets be real.

They could do with an 11.0/11.3 ground attack premium aircraft :P

Gotta add the other version of the KWS with A2G or the Mako my beloved…if only it hadn’t been just a model…

no, tested stuff like that should just get removed like R2Y2

no fake AHS, no Mi-28

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BAE tested a lot of stuff too :P

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which will be a worse version of an existing vehicle, worse then another trees premium, and the thing that balances it will have to be fought over just to make it equal…

when the US runs out of less speculative things to fill out the tree, sure

Japan and Sweden should not be allowed works of total fiction and vehicles they only considered, it is unfair to everyone else.

just because Japan tree is naturally going to be smaller than US tree doesnt justify Ho Ri and F-16AJ

Tbf the soviet T-80U only has agava thermals in game thanks to the swedish requiring the tank to have them so technically Russia has a swedish trial tank lol.

I mean I agree, the tree should only contain what was at least partially constructed/used in some way and only represent how it would have been had it been completed, at the most. The Ho-Ri as we have it now and the F-16AJ can go, and I welcome more proper additions


eh wasnt the trial tank still russian or something? like when Boeing does their advanced eagle stuff its still under USAF.