In fact hang on : P
i would support the US hornet losing HMD if it and finnish hornet dropped to 13.7 tbh
then they would probably jump to MLU 2 with F/A-18C+ (late)
The US one could have just been a skin for the FInnish one :P
Not gonna happen, as Smin stated the US hornet was added as a Block 20 so it would be unique. The Finnish MLU 1 which would make them on par is being skipped because the snail is trying to only have the US with the most advanced model. So its just screws one nation over. Not like they needed a 14.0 to begin with (Referring to sweden)
Maybe next update the Fins can get a on par Hornet but thats if its added next update. All we know is that its planned. So we could be waiting till December before we get an on par model.
He specified it as a block 20?
they are screwing both of us over then, because HMD forces it to be 14.0, and since US hornet which is mostly same except for HMD (talking air battles) is 14.0 it isnt really enough to have Finnish one at 13.7. but if both didnt have HMD, would be much easier to argue for 13.7
HMD was only added with that model iirc
It wouldn’t matter, gaijin believes 10 aim 120 would be too strong for 13.7 despite F15C with 8 120 at 13.7
kinda dumb tbh
Though judging by the BOL bug report it seems likely gaijin will not be adding trialed BOL to any of the US F-18’s for the time, though it may be due to the fact that they refuse to add any modernization upgrades from the MLU’s to the Finnish F-18
that sucks. i kinda hate how pointlessly rigid they are for this but do whatever the hell they want to F-15’s
I was under the Idea the F/A-18C didn’t get HMD until 2002 and in 89 the Hornet was already on block 29,31.
wait what? wasnt JHMCS only made in like 2003?
No they are only doing this because the Finnish F-18 exists. Cant guve the US model BOL. Because the Fins only have it on the MLU 2. Cant raise the BR since everything is so compressed.
I mean clearly the Finnish opinion doesn’t get the 229 treatment like when the US wants something.
I’ll double check but I think tests for it started in 01.
Then it needs to potentially be bug reported and removed. Again its doubtful as by Smins words, HMD was part that makes it unique which is wjy they refuse to give it to the Finnish Hornet.
i dont really see how that affects ours though.
and i dont agree with gaijin decision, but 229 situation is not a fair comparison
Did he specifically say block 20?
229 is definitely fair, the only difference is Sweden is the one asking to be made on par. HMD is very vital in these insanely small maps unfortunately gaijin doesn’t care.