Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

That one’s more C-1 level, however regardless, all ARH missiles in game should get buffed, as all are underperforming. The AAM-4 getting buffed would also give Japan a 14.0 fighter if the F-2A isn’t added.










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Literally two weeks after I finally get the F-16A

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I think it’s c5, c1 is just a a/b with smaller fins isn’t it?

c1 could be early SD-10, it gets several improvements before come into service.

The C-1 I’ve read also has a slightly better engine. If not, the PL-12 should be between the C-1 and C-5.

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should be, irl PL-12’s dV is about 3Mach

This is a far better-looking vehicle then all of those.

Assuming the PL-8B gets its upgraded engine and if the PL-12 also did, the J-11B would be an absolute monster, maybe even the best fighter in the game, even if only by a small margin.

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Just spent the last 15 minutes double checking. Alll i can find is that it has a bunch of quality of life stuff in the cockpit that will only help with sim battles, maybe a better radar and worse maneuverability. The domestic missiles we know.

Instantly remind me of

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Let’s say gajin add PL-8B on J-8F, might increase BR to 13.3

Like F-16A Block 10 Netz from israel tech tree but extra countermeasures ?

best fighter I don’t know ? but best flanker yes !!!

It’s got plenty of MFDs and isn’t all that bad as far as cockpits go

Maneuverability should be same-better because of better engines.

It should just be an Su-27SM upgrade

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To bad we won’t see the Finnish Mig-29

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no need, it do get upgraded. PL-12 upgrade on the other hand, is second hand source without details