It doesn’t have it and it won’t have it, since it is probably the best A-4E in its BR, in the entire game, by far, it’s early.
You got it
“Early” “Late”… sounds like pillow stuffing
It doesn’t have it and it won’t have it, since it is probably the best A-4E in its BR, in the entire game, by far, it’s early.
You got it
“Early” “Late”… sounds like pillow stuffing
That same thing you just said should be pinned on top of the bug reporting site so people would stop bothering lol. ( And I’m sure they would)
Instead we see people try their best then get insanely mad ( I wonder why) and say screw it we post nakde pics, racial slur copypastas and memes. What a great site that is right now, surely a working system.
In that case, put a name F/A-18A (1982) or something like that. Idk… this whole thing is real because we’re talking about Finland. They wouldn’t have done the same with another nation.
I mean, it was always filler material, called the “Finnish subtree” and the only indigenous vehicle in the entire TT is an event.
Work hard to find sources for an aircraft or tank for 2 options to occur:
not enough info… (yet, dont mind the 3 notebook pages in russian that is used to balance the tank, we cant accept this because, uhh, manufacturing lies)
Nope, youre not having that on said vehicle because of “balancing decisions”
Truly the game of all time
Or, in the rare case of the Kurnass 2000, we get a nice “no further improvements will be made” to top off the day/week/month/year of hard work.
but it gets worse tho.
Those balancing decisions mean nothing because at the end of the day, its balanced around “which nation has the most incompetent players in” rather then what the vehicle can actually do. PICK A LANE GAIJIN?
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They can’t do that though because it has the AN/AAS-38 of which there were only 4 available by the 1991 Gulf War, if they date it, they’d have to change it because they can’t have this 90s targeting pod on an 80s aircraft
Ok, I’ve literally thrown almost everything I could (short of 1-34-1, iykyk)
hopefully it goes though, this time.
[DEV]The F-14B should be impacted by this change to IRST/EOTS
Seriously though the, character limit on naming reports probably took the longest.
All talk of historical accuracy and weapons and then you still have to grind AIM-9Ls (Finland never had them)
Tons of planes have JHMCS programs implemented and 9X capability and can exist in the game without 9X but this one is a problem apparently even though there is still a more modern version
Extremely hypocritical
The Gripen just won’t stay dead no matter what planes Gaijin introduces lol.
Also, the Rafale kind of folds the 18C Late now from my experience.
Hey @Smin1080p_WT, I apologize for bothering you, but would you perhaps be willing to give my two F-20 cockpit display bug reports a bump? While they had already been passed for consideration, a few Gen 4s this patch have received updated MFD pages (along with entirely new 4th Gens, such as the Hornet in particular, getting theirs), and the F-20’s cockpit is almost the same as it was on release.
A big reason I’m asking for the bump is that both the F-20’s radar display and SMS display are actually supposed to look very similar to the F/A-18A’s.
The Eurocanards are the most dominant dogfighters on earth, they are rolling everything that comes to the game until a jet like the J-10B TVC or EFT with AMK kit comes (both still canards lol)
Harrier T.10 receives the most POINTLESS addition to any aircraft
britian added BOL to the harriers to stop this exact issue. gaijin devs “but muhhh balance, cant have a harrier ii at the same BR as another harrier ii with less thrust, heavier having its BOL. so we just give the option to REMOVE a missile in order to STILL HAVE LESS IR COUNTERMEASURES”
Truly the most balance game of all time gaijin. whats even going on over there??? This takes the cake for favoriting a nation over another.
Ill add to this, WHY?
why do WE, as the players, have to argue that the Harrier T.10 has a WORSE airframe then the AV8B. You guys made the game? surely you KNOW its a better airframe. WITH MORE COUNTERMESURES. and the exuse for not giving the T.10 its BOL is… what exactly? we cant take 2 BOL pods on the dedicated missile pylons to be ONPAR with other strike aircraft?
Yeah I doubt I will be pre-ordering that, if buying it at all, if 2x BOL is too much to ask for then i will simply grind the tt one
Things like the F22 would still be superior to the Rafale and Euro fighter in raw dogfighting performance tho I’d say
Depends entirely on pilot, an average F-22 (most of the playerbase dogfighting wise) will lose to a Eurofighter, a skilled raptor pilot against an equally skilled EFT pilot will result in a relatively equal fight, and TVC in that situation is practically useless, meaning the raptor pilot would require more tactical knowledge on how to manage his energy, while the EFT can just sit on his elevators and outrate the raptor
On equal skill levels the Raptor will always come out on top, it’s way more forgiving than the EFT or Rafale and TVC really helps it. Exercise tend to show that, while like any plane, the F-22 isn’t invincible, it’s much stronger than any other aircraft it dogfighted agaisnt.
Excerises ≠ War thunder performance, you have to remember that size wise the EFT vs Raptor is like Gripen vs F-15, the EFT is far lighter and as a result has a more useful TWR at dogfighting speeds, war thunder tends to prefer lighter and smaller aircraft in a pure dogfight to heavier ones, and I doubt that will change, even with the new cobra button.
So no, the Raptor will not ‘always’ come out on top, it is entirely reliant on the pilots in a symentrial merge