Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

You’d like to think, but Smin basically said if it underperforms it can move down, which means its going live at 14.0 and if they eventually notice that it isn’t doing so hot, they might move it down to 13.7 whenever the next BR change is

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The F-16A OCU should have shown them already that a jet without HMD will just perform poorly at 14.0, probably even 13.7.


You are clearly dumb clearly HMDless aircraft are on par with vehicles with HMD hur dur logic here^


Seeing how it takes forever for BR changes to happen, it’ll be unplayable for months.

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The problem is the people who tend to play these horrible vehicles tend to go and get good KD’s where as in a vehicle with the better upgrades at the same BR can pull double or triple their worse KD. Its a trash system that needs to be reworked.


Yup, that is if the already starved Sweden player don’t do well in the first half decent jet they’ve seen for over a year

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Are the devs considering to add the Aim-120C to match the R-77-1’s range capablities?

I pulled a positive KD with the SK-60 when it was 37k SL to repair at 7.7 air when the Su-11 was 7.0 and better in everyway. Ill manage with these horrific dumpsterfire just like the rest of the tree.


The problem with that logic is, if nobody plays it then it doesn’t change. There are like 7 swedish air players they don’t have the numbers to impact the BR’s

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Honestly I cant believe my eyes.

I disagree…the Hornet is very good in close, it’s just that most people have no clue how to use the AoA limiter switch! I find in the merge people are not staying close enough to not get hit by HOBS missiles…but that’s a trick question when it comes to the Su30 because the R73 in to close will not go for flairs…get just 1.0km 1000 meters separation on to fast of a merge and you get a R77…this will be made CRAZIER by the IIR missiles in the future!

As a Flanker Cultist I’m very happy with the Su30 ;) and this is in it’s toned down state from the very first dev server…with the AL-41s on the SM2 or Su35S…good Lord!


HMS looks pretty nice for 9M launch after turn

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So uh @Smin1080p_WT tomorrow ends the dev server right? On the update day is it possible for more vehicles to appear?

I honestly did not think that 9M would hit XD

Idk, i figured it would, it was a decent launch. Not great but decent.

Spikes are just hot garbage right now

Been hot garbage

Welp im gonna get drunk, finally home after being away for a few days and pretend this update doesn’t exist. Any and all complaints can be sent to the paper shredder where i will force my assistant to put them back together for me to read.


Spikes are hella strange. I have more luck killing from front rather than from side.
If I shoot at their front, it usually goes thro driver view port blowing up ammo, but when from side it just hits some machine gun and USSR magic armour just ignores the rest.

atleast rng was abit in its favour … now it feels like some game’s alpha-phase’s half-implemented buggy calculation