Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Or both

Nah vision express I get a discount

welp time to grab my ID and leave the house for once.


Bug reports have proven over and over again that American BBs have an unrealistically slow rate of fire, yet they do nothing about it…

Oh, and to make things worse- Colorado’s elevators, much like Amagi’s, are being wrongly modelled as turrets. Could t his be forwarded? Although I don’t expect a fix, just like Amagi… but still worth a shot;

I really would like to play with American ships, but given their poor implementation, there is little to no reason to use them…

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What did i miss?

Hi buddy,

Do you think they will drop us another triple pack like the two fronts this patch ???

Have you seen anything to indicate that this is potentially happening ??

The AV8B(NA) was buffed after launch with its correct engine BTW, the 10840KGF. Its also considered balanced where it sits at 11.3…

food for thought when “nation bias doesnt exist”

Was 11.7 at launch iirc

nope, 11.3 and it was moved to 11.7 in groundrb and sim (due to JDAM)

Uh not much, XM246 Devblog (Doesn’t get APDS) & more Harrier T.10 info (No bol, only Phimat so IR countermeasures are capped at 60)

Oh and lots of bickering about largely pointless things

Smin threatening to ban me if i ping him about the Finnish Hornet again. Some other stuff about C-5 aim 120 and UK hornet.

F-2, Dutch PZH2000NL, Hungarian low tier aviation…
Like… when??
For real

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Its a marketing lie

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Look, you might not be able to say anything other than what you already have, but that doesn’t change the fact that it doesn’t make sense down here

It looks like favouritism, and nothing you have said, or seemingly can say will change that

We know the differences between Finnish Hornet upgrade programs, we know what these “significant differences” are, which is exactly why it doesn’t make sense what you’re saying, it would have been much better for us, to have the MLU1 and then later the MLU2 as opposed to the base version and then later MLU2.

Especially right after you gave the Thai F-16 OCU a HMS that it doesn’t have this really does feel like a slap in the face



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Yeaaaah F-2 wheeeen.
Also I’d love for some Scorp-76s already
I need comedically small hesh alreadyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Probs the april update, at least… i’ve heard such things.

I wish!!!

Non-Amraam users keep getting more and more better and better missiles while Amraam users have been using the exact same model since Fox-3 was introduced… so it would be nice if the top br, end-of-the-line Amraam operating aircraft finally got some sort of upgrade as well.

Bickering and for some reason 1500+ votes in a poll discarded without logic


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F16 OCU gets stuff it didnt have, F-18 Finland doesnt get any fakes, and T.10 doesnt even get what it really had…

I REALLY wish there was another military sim for things like this…