Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)


From what I’ve seen of it, the Hornet will be good, just not at the climb to 7km and lob missiles from 60km playstyle.

It fits my playstyle way better than the F-15E or even the Typhoon does anyway, and if they give it 120C-5s then all the better


as it should be. it out-performs all the current 13.0s in every metric (besides the c.10 with its radar)

dont know where he got the idea that i was even remotely implying the f18 should be 13.0

Are people still whining about the harrier

Whatever float your boat.

TBF, it absolutely should just have BOL pods

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When did I say F-18 should be 13.0??

Just another aircraft to that long list atp

I compared the harriers top speed to the f18.

If the FA.2 and radar attack can do well with less missiles and slower speed you will be fine with more speed and a ton more missiles.

You than said the hornet is a whole 1br higher.

Yes we are it’s been so wrong for so long it’s funny almost.

The fa.2 doesn’t do well though. It has to fight opponents with vastly weaker armament to even stand a chance. In a 14.0 game its just food. Hell, in a 13.7 game its food.

Not anymore lol. It can go toe to toe with the F-18 in a close in dogfight while still being restricted and underperforming.

Wait till live

Even with the old fm I could do ok in up tiers.

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when did I say that? its at least better then the 13.7s just due to shear Aim120 count alone? itll be fine at 14.0 until decompression happens

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I think lowest BR, where hornet with AIM-120 can be - 13.3, but with AIM-120 limited to only 6 in total(2 on intakes and 2x2 LAU-127).
But it should be A+ or an mid C(for example 1995). With old engines

F/A-18C late also underperforms a lot.
Idk about A/C early.

Sorry no meeting 12.0s with a full swarm of amraams is just not fair.

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And it’ll likely never see a dogfight against a competent opponent.

i think it could go to 13.7 with 10x 120As (can stay at 14.0 with 120C)

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