Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Plus an earthquake which destroyed the hull

Still, it didnt get to be built as a Battlecruiser…

it was actually both Amagi and Akagi that were planed for the conversion, and Kaga was the one that took Amagi’s place after she was damaged in the earthquake

oh, my bad I thought it was the other way around, neat

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and? we have multiple unfinished ships in game, Amagi is also a decently famous Japanese battlecruiser and with gaijins ruling on not allowing the same ship in 2 different configurations I doubt they would have added Akagi as the Battlecruiser as it would lock the japanese out of one of their most famous carriers

The point is that they are contradicting themselfs, they dont wanna give the realistic reloads to American BBs due to “balancing purposes” while japanese get their fast reloads with bigger guns and overall more survivability, they dont wanna add paper/unfinished vehicles but still they add stuff like the Izmail, Kronstadt or Amagi

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Nelson-class is my favorite class of battleship, yet they really screwed up with adding her.
Her survivability ingame is crap, her 14" angled internal belt might as well be decoration. Her BL 16s have horrid shell dispersion and Gaijin gave her a long reload…

She’s supposed to be the most protected out of all of the Big Seven.

This is completely a preference thing but I also hate how they added Rodney and not Nelson… I’m not biased I swear.

The Scharnhorst also feels way too tanky ingame, in real life turtledeck isn’t nearly as effective as it is, Duke of York still managed to exploit the weaker upper belt and cause flooding.

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Priest and Sexton this year?
Plus huhhhhh where is the SU-152? Its such an iconic piece that was left out in the vid

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Yeah, the scharnhorst is utterly broken.

I suspect it’s due to the game engine limitations, but quite why they haven’t reduced its armour so it’s remotely sensible is beyond me.

There’s a post in a thread somewhere where someone fired an 8km per second round at it from a battleship (I think) and it still didn’t penetrate.

The thing either needs removing or neutering by dramatically reducing its armour so it works with the game engine.

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Sweet I can post again.

But as it seems the T.10 is dead on arrival.

They have not buffed the Harrier 1s enough either.

The Shar frs1 will be a more competitive 11.0 than the T.10 if it gets buffed to irl.


They did make one exception to that rule (that I know of), so who knows what they might do.


I personally still hope for either of the Ise-class late refit battleship carriers to come to the game at some point, even if we already have both in earlier fits.


I understand this. However first and foremost the T Harriers where created to provide safer training experiences. Not go to war.

The ability to go to war was reserved incase the need ever arose.

We shall see, we can only wait for a reply from a community manager on the devs next step

60 countermeasures, say hello to a harrier ii airframe at 11.0 whoo
2 BOL rails, 11.3 and everyone will be recommended it on sale
4 bol pods, 11.3 pre order for myself and recommended everyone i know to buyyyy

No bol pods 11.3… Devs wont listen or they are just admitting its bias. No reason this option should happen because of “balancing” it doesnt even line up with whats in the game already balanced

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In this update we will see a different configuration of a couple Coastal boats (the french ones).

+Bishop, Hummel, Wespe, sIG 33B, M40 GMC etc …


I get some people wanted this but personally things the Trainer Harrier as a premium is just weird.

Not to mention the Harrier now has around double its high speed thrust meaning flaring IR missiles is MUCH harder as I have experienced on the DEV server.

Would be fine if either:

Easy option… add the BOL pods. Its not balance if the AV8B(NA) is at the same BR but its allowed 180Counter mesures, a better engine better model blah blah blahh

More work effort. Model the IR thrust correctly for the harriers. Front thrust is cold air, and the rear is about the same as an SU25. if this happened then the BOL would not even be an issue at 11.3

TLDR: add BOL for T.10. Easy peasy

Where did Olivia state this? Just curious for future statements.

god I hate how many times I need to tell people this but consideration for ships is a lot more relaxed and gaijin themselves have said they are fine with adding ships that were never finished as long as it began construction


rule was on the same ship sucha s we ill never see HMS Royal Sovereign in the british tree because she exists in her russian configuration in the soviet tree

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