Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Brownie pulls out an uno reverse on mihaly

Too late

Have the developers seen or even taken my thread into consideration in any capacity? I haven’t received any replies from you or Stona since I pinged yall, and it’s just been radio silent. If my suggestion has been considered and denied, I would really like to be told so in some way rather than being extremely disappointed and feeling ignored entirely when the Live server comes around without a TT Netz of the 1987 configuration.

It has currently the support of 165 polled players with an overwhelming support ratio. The silence on this matter feels quite deafening, and a response when possible would be very much appreciated as it’s something extremely important to me and many others. Thank you for your time if you’re reading this.


Good time for me to slide my F16B cope into this

plz devs, fix the tech tree netz and make this version an F16B (Iron eagle tribute)

Thank you :)



is there any reason as to why my bug report has seemingly been ignored, while others that are much newer have gotten responses?

as expected basher its always the same thing a complete radio silence for everything we ask, we ask about X missile (silence), we ask for guided munitions (silence), we ask for this (silence) and its the same situation with other things asked before.

Someone help me make sense of this report. This report is on the R-77-1, and it appears to be asking for the angle limits of the seeker to be removed, now how exactly does that work?
Р-77-1 | Углы целеуказания // // Issues
Here’s what was inside the report:


It appears to be asking for ±180 degree tracking angle, how would that be implemented into Warthunder? That to my understanding is 360 degrees.

Datamine then shows this change for the R-77-1:


Screenshot 2025-03-04 183600

They do listen sometimes: We got mavericks for the F-15I, Derbys for the F-16s, And Sparrows for the F-16D. However they tend to not listen more often than not. I could go on for days about the issues they neglect…

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Canadian Flag?

And “Domestic”

It seems Canada now is SubTree for Britain TT 🤣


You’d think that be fixed by now, 100% will be fix by the time it hits live.

But that config bug, is funny nevertheless.

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I wouldnt be so sure. Hunter FGA9 still has the union jack despite being Rhodesian and that was reported nearly a year ago :D


I guess, but it would be wired to leave a nation that never used/tested any variant of the system as an operator.

Unlike the other few flag issues, where said opartor nation did use a variant of the varint added.

They must have been playing Wargame

(edit, was thinking of Australia/ANZAC)

Minor issue: Canada doesn’t even have that system in Wargame(in either).

Ah, you realized it.

I knew I remember seeing one in a commonwealth deck that wasnt Britian :D

And you are the one only not played m1, btw, nearly every nation’s MBT i’ve been playing

You have rank VIII ground in 4 out of 10 nations. So far for “most”.

Also if you have multiple nations at top tier and you still think the Abrams is useless, that only further proves it as a player skill issue.

At the moment there are no plans for a seperate Netz variant.


Are there any plans to give the Sea Harroer Frs1 its eegs?


another 1gb update. anything significant?