Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Eh… You need a really coordinated team to take one out, let alone multiple. But giving score/reward, means you don’t have to fight over bases

yeah outside of the airfields and carriers there arent a lot of targets to bomb in sim for stratbombers, I wonder if those factory and oil buildings will be for new industrial complex bombing targets, could be like nuclear option where taking out back line factories reduces or out right stops the production of AI ground units in that area

Full disabling of spawn should only occur when AF is fully destroyed. But using the crater code to model bomb craters in AF runway would make it extremely hard to take off and land

That, would be really cool

I don’t get how they still haven’t figured out that the forward airfields would be ideal high “HP” bombing targets


yeah, but getting a 4 man squad in B-29s has to be one of the greatest times I have had in bombers lol

B-1B will be very funny

I got into a formation with another Wellington with a random player, even though we both got slaughtered it was still fun to see


they’d be useful for:

  • Fighting Airfield AA in Air and ground RB
  • fighting SPAAs in Ground RB
  • looking good

Sad how the US, China and Russia got the B-29 but we haven’t gotten our Washington B.1’s


was that suggestion already done?

could really use it

I don’t know but it would fill the gap just before the Vulcan

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Did they say anything when they will add french top tier premium tank on any of the dev streams?

bomber squads are some of the most fun I have had in warthunder and actually massively increase your survival rate believe it or not

Next tuesday or wednesday, my guess

What about the other V bombers?

Depending on how close to real life they are modelled they would either be extremely overpowered (against everything that isn’t a Pantsir, coz the Pantsir can just shoot them down) or entirely useless in ground battles.

The airfield AA shouldn’t be easy to defeat either, it already is nerfed to hell, so having a way to destroy it easily is completely overkill.

all would be welcome, especially the Vulcan and Victor, but the Vulcan is the iconic one, so if only one then that one

Yep, that sounds epic. I wan to get a squad of tornados together at some point

Fair enough. But there still wouldn’t be a gap before Vulcan because of the canberra