Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

At least from a logical point of view. At higher altitudes, water boils at a lower temperature and a more advanced cooling system is needed.

I honestly don’t know how the M1’s turbine works. That was a good question.

Tell Trump to sell us some M1s to test in the Andes lol


I’m just dumb then lol. Completely forgot that, even though I’ve had to account for it IRL

I’ll try to put in a good word lol


early F-14A had IRST
Tomcat Chinpods


Nah not favouritism, we can see ships in several nations except their home nations be it from being built there or ordered by another nation.

• We see this with the only Wickes class destroyer in game is the British Town class 1940 HMS Montgomery G95 Ex USS Wickes DD-75.

• The Pillau class cruiser, originally ordered by Imperial Russia but with the outbreak of the first world war their were requisitioned by the Kaiserliche Marine. (we see similar war requisition ships in game even in the Italian TT).

• Also now that the Netherlands are in the French TT we can also see the K class Sloop in a similar way which was added way back in 1.79 with the German naval TT, We should see an as designed K-1 or the post war K-3/ Hr.Ms Van Speijk.

There’s 2x light tank models that have been found in CDK, both of which are export tanks, the Bangladeshi one (VT-5BD) which is the Squadron vehicle on the devserver, and another base VT-5 that has the Heavy Armor upgrade which is the ERA/Cage armor on the sides and rear that hasn’t been seen in-game yet.

VT-5BD as seen on the devserver.

The VT-5 equipped with the Heavy Armor package.

We’ll likely get the VT-5 with the Heavy Armor in the research tree within the next 2x updates, similarly to how Japan had the RCV(p) squadron at first (to milk the GE…) before the ICV(p) was added. ZTQ15 will be long-term, not expecting that anytime soon sadly.

Images of the ZTQ15 for Reference


Haven’t seen the PRC’s ZTQ15’s with the Heavy Armor package but it has integrated/layered FY-4 ERA on the turret cheeks and LFP.


Any information on battleships getting a higher br.
This is not fun gameplay when I’m just a cruiser.

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your beating a dead horse can you stop

Don’t tell me what to do.

@YaSen @MuccoPazzino

do you guys have any sources to prove Italy has LJDAM? i made bug report for AV-8B and bunch of other jets to get them, but i would like something more concrete for Italian AV-8B

This thing is just too big to be competitive unless it have a decent engine. It also has a big ass lfp, consider how gaijin might implement it, it can severely limit its performance (FCS and turret drive)

@Il_Signor_Regio reported weapons for Marina Militare AV-8B+

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I’m asking cause thats like the 3rd time I seen it asked idk if you been all 3 but that picture been the same

updated bug report. thank you!

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anyone else get this bug on dev in the Su-30SM

Yeah it’s pretty big but I don’t think Gaijin with change it’s BR though. Comparing it to the CV90105 (BR 10.3) for example, it may be slower (should have an 884hp engine), but comparable short reload, harder hitting DTW2-105 APFSDS-T along with other 105mm rounds/missile, and a bit better armor. The real change will be the ZTQ15 with FY-4 ERA (maybe FY-5?) covering its LFP and turret cheeks that can resist modern high-caliber APFSDS-T rounds.

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The F/A-18A should really get the AIM-7P as to not make the premium 100% better than the A. As it currently stands, it has better A2G and a better SARH missile, which really isnt that fair imo.

I also think the F-15A and F-14B would also benefit from recieving the AIM-7P (The F-14B also deserves AIM-9Ms but thats a whole 'nother discussion), as it has datalink, which would help these 2 jets out a lot.

Ngl tho the F/A-18C+ would also be baller.


Hi smin
Can u answer me if there is any plans to add something to israel in this update(exept cp premium)?
It can be that the nation that suffers the most is getting nothing
Like not a single spaa or even a merkava rework?

aim7p is navy only so f15a cant get it.

Fair enough. The AIM-7MH would be the best bet for the F-15A then.
There Is also the One about AGM65F.

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