At least it’s coming at some point
I try to avoid cope when i can and back stuff with examples and given gaijins prior track record the way i listed it above is the most logical way they will handle it. Its not a good way but they’ve done similar things in the past. I want actual balance but the snail doesn’t care about that.
I mean Bear kept saying gaijin has changed and that what i said wouldn’t come true since im always so damn negative yet im like this because ive seen it a million times and ill keep seeing it because i know how the snail works unfortunately and it happens again and again.
Id think of Revenge, RS and Resolution before the Oak personally
ill be in my 30s by the time it probably does
yet they still have more tech tree 7.0s (5 vs 2 soon to be 3) like you cant say they lack options then they have more 7.0s by almost double
also wait no sorry, italy has 4 whole battleships they could get including Leonardo Da Vinci because I forgot the Andrea Doria and her sister were already in game and they even have the Francesco, so their only actual ships they have left are the Litorio-class, so removing one of Italy’s options and giving it to the soviets is a slap in the face
I understand if you cannot definitively answer, but are the devs aware that LJDAM is just a JDAM with laser sensor, so anything that can carry JDAM can carry LJDAM in those same spaces (even if they don’t have a laser designator)?
I’m not really familiar with EGBU but I’m guessing same applies to that, except the aircraft would have to be GPS munitions compatible
Why though? For ground vehicles it isn’t an issue. One prototype can be placed in two different tech trees. Some naval rules are quite disappointing.
What can be done to change this?
I would like to see both Regina Maria and Regele Ferdinand in Romanian service for example (we have one of them as war prize in Soviet TT - Letuchiy).
In what section can I suggest changes to this policy?
I would also like to propose suggestion to correct RoF with a balancing factor to avoid such situations as with same 100 mm Minizini cannons on Italian and Soviet ships having different RoF, because of different values in each nation sources.
Wait we have a Romanian ship in the Russian trer ?
as a reparation version that handed to USSR navy
I remember yall getting burned by this. But also this is exactly what you guys are doing for certain chinese aircraft, am I wrong? Rock and a hard place haha.
Yes, since December 2022…
I mean Italian TT would benefit a lot from having both ships of this class.
Is there any chance of the f/a 18c late receiving apg79?
Yet more favouritism, I wish Italy had this ship now
Do we have another VT5 on TT, or just only one for the squad vehicle?
Probably not getting it
then my next question is will it be moved down to 13.7? because it is not 14.0 material.
I hope so