Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Yes but with the BIG it has to SEE THEM

I do concede it can be better for fixed wing that it SEES

That’s what the MK2 eyeball is for which is mostly what the ADATS has to rely upon

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If you can get into a cozy place with the Typ 81 as firstspawn or if your team controlls more of the map, not having a radar isnt that bad anymore since they introduced the switching between ground/airmap.
you will know where they spawn and with the good sight of the 81 spotting isnt that hard.

Yeah but you can still use the radar turn it on and off i use radar in russian spaa all the time

Fokker D.21 for Benelux and a Squadron vehicle for Italy : )

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Yeah but I can name the times my team has had control of the map allowing mt to do that on all my digits. Second yeah sure you can learn where spawn is but that doesnt mean all air flies directly from their spawn to map some wait for it go around

Some go high some terrian hug some just go around and attack from a new angle. And you will miss all of those if you spend to much time staring at air spawn

Kinda funny tbh, they act like the gun on that thing (same as Bradley but doesn’t get the APFSDS iirc) is a GAU-8 lol



Oh look another squadron tank, I wonder when Italy will finally it it’s squadron vehicles after what 4 years


Rather TT over squadron any day though.

Also, I am going to guess the new rocket car will be squadron because evil.


I hope your right but also wrong I would love the 6614 (50m) to be tt

leo 2a4t1

a turkish leopard maybe

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Now that is spiciness I like


Im assuming the other one in the files will be TT?

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Honestly the vehicle I’m most excited for.

Curious how it ends up when they remove most of it’s ZTZ96A placeholder stats.

Maybe. Now it is not configured, and it has -6 km back💀

Guh soviet reverse gear jumpscare

Actual reverse speed should be around 14 km/h