Its a faster missile then the type 81 c and has range to hit helicopters the type 81 c cant even touch
No I do agree with you on this issue don’t get me wrong, I just think that top tier air can be expanded further at the same time better SPAAs are added to the game.
Were you sleeping during the reign of the F-14A?
The dumb thing was them introducing the F-14A without counterparts, not the introduction of more modern aircraft in general.
It’s literally my most played vehicle. What people always fail to see is that the MiG-23MLD dominated for a year before the F-14A, but that seemingly isn’t an issue. The Flogger was added without counter parts too, were you playing during this era? It’s just that it was time for another nation to have the top aircraft.
The F-14A didn’t even last for a year before better aircrafts were added.
The adats has radar can defend itself against ground and helicopters can see jets with the radar. The type 81 cant defend itself agaisnt ground or even helicopters and has to randomly eye ball a fixed wing to even know its there to fire at it
I mean the type 81c missile can maneuver more at closer ranges, also they both need new spaa.
True but that is the one saving grace of it but again the lack of radar and being easily killed by helicopters at their own spawn negates the type 81 c
At best the type 81 c is situation and requires alot alot of luck
So is the ADATs.
No it has a 30 mm and missiles that can kill; tanks and missiles are faster and it has a radar
Im not saying the adats is great but it is objectively better than a type 81
They always have to remind me of the wonderful japanese tank decals i will never get :(
- “Emblem of the Field Artillery School” → ““け” (Ke) Hiragana”
- “Emblem of the Field Artillery School in Chiba” → “The Hiragana used by the Chiba Rikugun Sensha Gakkō (Chiba Army Tank School) to show what tanks were operated by the Teachers Assistants. “け” (Ke) was painted on the side of the tanks their turrets from around 1942 to 1944.The vehicles operated with this Hiragana were primarily the Type 95 Light Tank, Ha-Go and the Type 97 Medium Tank, Chi-Ha.”
- “Emblem of the Cavalry School” → ““き” (Ki) Hiragana”
- “Emblem of the Cavalry School in Chiba” → “The Hiragana used by the Chiba Rikugun Sensha Gakkō (Chiba Army Tank School) to show what tanks were operated by the Teachers. “き” (Ki) was painted on the side of the tanks their turrets from around 1942 to 1944. The vehicles operated with this Hiragana were primarily the Type 95 Light Tank, Ha-Go and the Type 97 Medium Tank, Chi-Ha.”
- “9th Sensha Rentai emblem” → ““う つ れ と” (U Tsu Re To) Hiragana”
- “Emblem of the Japanese 9th Sensha Rentai” → “The Hiragana used by a Type 97 Medium Tank, Chi-Ha crew from the 43rd Shidan (Division), 9th Sensha Rentai (Tank Regiment), 4th chutai (Company) while on Saipan. “う つ れ と” was painted on the side of their tanks hull around 1944. “う つ れ と” (U Tsu Re To) Most likely were the first letters of the tank crew their names.”
Only the US version has the 30mm. British one, doesn’t
The missles can still kill tanks in that one to right
The 30mm is honestly mid in most cases.
It still is a great advantage over not having any guns at all
Barely. The average I’ve found is 2+. And you are so massive and slow,.that it’s only for panic mode if someone has flanked into your spawn.
Being small and fast is a bigger value, which is why I usually just bring Stormer to top tier
I would rather have that 30 mm then be in a toyota with a few ir missles
And the type 81 can do WHAT
That is fair but it doesn’t make the US ADATS a lot better. Both the UK and the US need a new SPAA. They are not the only ones but they need something.