Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Theres also the Hawks which would be neat, and if its ever made,

Maybe for true top tier, but the Typhoon can keep us competitive in that regard for a good long while

As for below that.

Jaguar GR3A
Harrier Gr9A
Tornado F3 FSP
BAE Hawk (x 3+ variants)

etc are all outstanding British aircraft. Doesnt take much to throw the Odd Cheatah in there as well from SA and we are set for the next 2 or 3 years at the rate at which they add jets to Britain.

And thats without even taking into account the aircraft we do currently have still need extensive TLC with the Harriers get at the moment a decent start to that work.


Since you mentioned the F-35, you should understand that the top is only GCAP and F-35, and everything else is just a temporary transitional product. And it is obvious that among the aircraft you mentioned so far, Gripen C/Mig-29K/UPG/Mirage2000 will not be the top at present. As for Tornado, haha, it’s better not to participate in adults’ games

There is and I expect to see the HAWK at some point along with the GNAT and Harrier GR.9
Tornado GR.1B (Anti shipper)

Maybe a Cheetah and the Ajeet

After these though it’s a long wating game and we need to hope that despite Britain receieving nothing in the top end bracket of the game that Gaijin behind the scenes are implementing fixes on the British vehicles we have that are in need.

Tornado F3 with 4x ASRAAM and 4x Aim-120C5 is not something I would laugh at.

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What will be the price?

Would love that, but not at 15.0 vs the Su-35 and F-15EX

you’d better hope it won’t come

True, gunna be a lot of people complaining about ASRAAM. So gunna need loads of popcorn

It would probably just barely be 14.0 now

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The diagonal soot pattern is from using thrust reversers, yes

I assumed as much, noticed it on the GR.1s in the Gulf

Given the outstanding TLC the F3 needs, including both BOL overhaul and Phimat pods. I think it would fair fairly well

Probably something along those lines

Has Smin said anything about giving the F/A-18C its 120 CMs?


It feels like a folder vehicle

Probably, but I think sitll a worth while addition that I would actually play quite a bit.

The bug report has been accepted, and the model in game already has 120, so I assume it’s just a matter of time