Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Gimme a F/A-18A with AIM-9Hs and AIM-7Fs at 12.3. Don’t care that it would struggle in full uptiers.


Maybe… Gr9 without MMW Brimstones is kinda pointless for A2G and for A2A, I dont know if the ebtter engine and HMS is worth it with Aim-9M without then removing the 9Ms on the Gr7 (which I would have no issue with), might be worth saving it for ASRAAM, though could suck at that BR

T10 does give us a replacement for the GR5 they dont want to add for the 9L equipped, AV-8B(NA) equivalent that Ive felt weve been needing since they ruined the Gr7 with 9Ms

While it was in USA intrests for them to be the no1 blaming the USA for the empires death is stupid. The balloon got too big and Germany popped it with the world wars. any little thorn would have ended it

Sniper pod tho

Nothing stopping that coming to the Harrier Gr7


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You are second

Honestly, that would probably be even more viable than one with 9Ms, at 12.3 the F/A-18 is a solid FM and 4 x AIM-7 would be pretty lethal on it in theory

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Continuing from the other thread,
Eh, I just hope it’s not too effected by the extra weight at the nose, Harrier’s already turn like someone on a zip line, so worse world be less than fun. But the BR might accommodate that.

Huh? Wasn’t the Sniper pod only integrated on GR.9s?

Youd be surprised how many people think the british empire wouldve continued on as late as 1956 so long as an irish-american conspiracy hadnt stabbed them in the back.

Nevermind that if britain was still a superpower they couldve just ignored our protestations to the egypt invasion, but…

I think it should be fine. Especially if we ever get the Harrier FM overhaul that they all desperately need

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Eh, I guess. I don’t think it looks as much like a flaying brick as some of the British things. (and I’d even says it looks better)

Better CF-101 for refence

This is a sleeper update for me
bandicam 2025-02-27 22-51-59-071
bandicam 2025-02-27 22-51-48-654


Apparently the taiwanese used them too. Unarmed recon versions tho :,(

Sniper TGP when Gaijoobles 🙏




what is this (stalin)
(Stolen meme)
Also this update kinda stinky


Does this confirm F-2 delayed @gszabi99 ?

F-2 delayed…

Me when “a few” is now at least 10.


So that is 3 new 14.0 nations, though we’ll have to see how well the F/A-18C cuts it up there

and the premium Hornet is 13.0 so that’s pretty much AIM-9M confirmed, it’d be weird if it didn’t have them though

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