Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Let’s not pretend the US hasn’t asked for every nation that used a Sherman to join their tree because they have.


isnt there f3 tornado with asraam and 120c-5, but not the engines or captor-m?

anddddd im not justifying for them. whataboutism dont work here. both us and uk mains are insufferable

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yeah that would just be a F3 late (later) lol

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F3 (really late)

You are welcome to view my stat card as I can declare I’m not a main

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you can play multiple nations and still act like a one nation main. infact people can play one nation and still act better than a one nation main. i leave you to figure out how you have acted like, although knowing you and your bias, you wont think you act like a one nation main anyways

honestly if it means the US stops getting 1 to 2 new top tier jets that push the meta every update sold lol

and before you hit me with the “you just want copy paste blah blah blah” im one of the most against india being a sub tree, I know ive argued with Smin more times then I can count over the last couple updates about it lol


Not really. We have British, British Empire, British exports, south African (which is mostly British export vehicle rehashings) and a very limited number of American lend lease vehicles. Germany has German, German export, American, British, Swiss, French, soviet and pre subtree finland.

Your only real argument is that South Africa is the only decently implemented subtree in the game, and Germany got a SA vehicle the update before that subtree got added for insult. as far as vehicle and vehicle doctrine diversity goes germany has britain beat.

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hasnt happened in 2 updates. i know its not much, but still, “push the meta every update” is not true

We don’t need them sure but it would be funny and it pisses off a whole bunch of people and I find that incredibly hilarious.


tbf when the top tier meta gets changed its 45% US, 45% Russia and 10% everyone else

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hear hear lol

i mean right now the planes pushing the meta is the EFT and rafale behind. I highly doubt hornet will push the meta if we talking about realistic modeling of it. But yet there will always be uktoids who wont back down on their entitled attitude thinking they should get aus / canada / india’s advanced fighters.

did typhoon and rafale not happen?

F-15I doesnt exist? same with F-15JM?

It didnt happen for one single update which most of us can agree probably shouldn’t have even been called a major update as it had near to zero content other than the typhoon and rafale which are both half baked.

The Hornet with TEN aim 120s is going to be a meta-changing vehicle without a doubt. Youre being petty by discarding the sentiment

Ok so it’s just a term to use if you don’t like a side : )

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no way people still think the F-18 is a meta defining jet.

Ten AIM 120 missiles. Dont worry it will do good just out of volume of ordinance