Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Hopeful for it next major not expecting.

I would trade the 30mm on the apache in a heart beat for 8 FnF missiles not even 16

I would trade my ATAS for 2 bug reports getting Fixed…
PARS missing Proxy fuze
PARS incorrect Range = should be 8km
Or of not, gib atleast the dual PARS launcher on the Outer Pylons


again while that sucks its still far better then most nations

When will the current dev server end?

March 6th

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Wdym 4% higher irccm
Just give it the seeker shut off irccm like aim9m

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I know that ARH ground atack Brimstone mod its too OP for game balance.
But does Gaijin consider the option of ARH air atack mod for brimstone?

This will make the current aircraft brimstone-carriers more unique and will be a prerequisite for a further untiCAS role for surface based Brimstone.
Because at the current moment Britain can’t offer any good SPAAM (ADATS is worse than OSA-AK, lol)


while these are cool vic we wont get them and instead will have to wait for a copy paste Tunguska from russia

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We literally got rapier this patch and peep cant stop the cope on Indian vehicles. My guy chill lol.

(also shameless plug, peeps support/draw attention to my split rapier proposal to gaijin devs, get 2 rapiers for the price of 1!)


its more that while the rapier is nice I think a lot of people would have preferred a top tier sam over in the grand scheme of things pointless SPAA

I wouldnt be surprised if we get an Indian Tunguska next before a top tier SPAA

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Then help push the boat for a hit only rapier for 9.3, wouldnt be useless there ;)

I don’t understand anything.

F/A-18A is limited to AIM-7F, while F/A-18C Early enjoys the much better AIM-7P plus better radar and, if I recall correctly, engines…

And both will be the same BR?

Pay. To. Win. And I never said this before.

Unless they make F/A-18A 12.3 or give it AIM-7P too.


They bought the F/A-18 because of its ability to take off and land on shorter runways, which is useful when you whole country is a mountain range, and large stretches of flat level ground are at a premium

Like they physically couldn’t operate the F-16

And this was done in the mid 90s just a little too early for the Gripen, so given that reasoning it makes perfect sense as to why they chose the F/A-18

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Oh look who noticed.
F-4S and J would like to know you location by the way.
This ship has already sailed, give it up.

You are pushing this hard. A Su-30 will carry 14 missiles 12 of them being ARHM…
With 2nd best Radar in the game.

A Typhoon carries 6 120s. The Su-30 will be able to pressure any aircraft in game.

Yes its slower and heavier. So you get up high get within 50km and send one of your 11 ARHM.
Or you loiter and join later in the game with the furball with enough power to destroy a team

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Ah, now I remember that.

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t make a premium F-14 tbh, maybe they’ll do that with the F-14D

Please no, the F-14D Super Tomcat is the pinnacle of the Tomcat series, we could even stretch it and give it AMRAAMs, I wish the F-14A (late) becomes a premium instead of that


It’d be sad.
But defo not shocking, considering the devs’ giga brain decisions in the past years.
Keep in mind it’s still half the playerbase’s fault.