Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

My point exactly.

so itll be pretty good when it comes?

If it comes. When I saw the 77-1 i was wondering if they would add the A3 aswell cause they said the same thing. Instead we got the turret basket being apart of the turret drive.

at this point, i think they might have just modeled it like that because it kind of looks cool

Do yall think we will even get any actual new top BR that might actually stop 13.0 seeing 14.0 before end of the year or nah

I think we will see a BR increase.

Since its gaijin its maybe a 4% chance that its while we have devserver open and a 3% chance before next big update

Won’t be this update I’m pretty positive. (Though it needs it). But before the end of the year I expect it.

And thats already way to late if you ask me, we need it now if not already since last update

We really should have 15.0 by now.

Also the F18C in close is NO push over either! For BVR yes it is on the slow side…but I still like the F18C very much, I do hope it gets more counters though :/

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Minimum, WT has gone way too fast with adding way more modern stuff in a way too short amount of time and compression just got worse

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countermeasures right?

Russia getting su 30 sm while India indigenously manufactures the mki inducted the mki earlier and is also the largest operator of the mki… But somehow russia gets the sm and india does not… Great job Gaijin. You really balled with that one


when the country the jet was made for is its largest operator

and again, if its such an indigenous Indian aircraft, why does it have Sukhoi in its name?

God forbid russia gets something good


And then again, why are people crying that only russia gets a Su30 when everyone always says “weh weh copypaste vehicles weh weh” i dont fckn get it man

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does the iriaf variant of the f14 get called the f14??? it is a modification of the f14… same for the indian variant. it is a modification of the su 30/27 with better avionics and more weapons

was the f14 iriaf copy paste??

i know, just let them enjoy their flanker lol